
Showing posts from December, 2016

Basmijael or Ralasan

Recorded Name: Basmijael Revealed Name: Ralasan Channeled Magickal Names: Torimgon, Talathoth, Thorigoth* Rank: Sovereign Archduke Zodiac: Sagittarius Elements: All Five D/N: Nocturnal Counterpart: Qalilitu Greek Realm: Olympus Underworld River: Styx Sacred Numbers: 49, 67, 97, 84, 31 Primary Planetary Attributions: the Sun; Venus Lesser Planetary Attributions (from Most to Least Attributed): Jupiter; the Moon; Mars Non-Qliphothic Attributions: Falak Al-Aflak; Shams Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek Trans-Sephirothic Veil: Ain Soph Aur (Primary); Ain Soph Fixed Behenian Stars (from Most to Least Attributed): Sirius; Algorab; Capella; Dabih Superiors: Amaymon, Asmodeus, Amducious, Lucifuge, Aeshma-Daeva *Channeled magickal names are exclusively for use in magick and adulation. "I am the way to conquer all things." -Basmijael Above: Sigil of Ralasan Channeled By Augustus Grigori Ralasan/Basmijael is the counterpart of Lilith’s daughter Qalilitu. He's a Sovereign Archduke under ...

A Cautionary Tale for Polytheists: Lilith, Ardat-Lili, Lillake, and More

It is widely accepted amongst Satanists and related black magickians that Lilith originates in Sumerian lore as Lilitu, and that Ardat-Lili and Kiskil-Lillake are names of hers as well. A recent ritual by the Temple of the Ascending Flame makes use of a meditative mantra for Lilith which incorporates this name: "Lilith, Layil, Ardat-Lili, Laylah" (Layil and Laylah are Hebrew and Arabic feminine nouns which translate to "noun"). Since Irdu-Lili is listed as having been the consort of Ardat-Lili, modern sorcerers have concluded that Irdu-Lili is a name for Samael. The name "Ardat-Lili" is translated as "handmaid of Lilitu." The word "Ardatu" means 'young girl [of marrying age]' and was often used in reference to prostitutes, so Ardat-Lili is best identified with Na'amah (Lilith's daughter or sister) rather than Lilith. Early texts concerning demons posited the existence of a Lilith Savta [Lilith the Elder] and Lilith Ulemt...

Invocation of Lucifuge Rofocale

Sigil: (Face North, the direction of Saturn) Venire - Rofocale Rex Noctifer (x2) [Come-- Rofocale the Night-Bearing King] Lucerifuge, Lucifage, Lucifugus Rofocalus  (x9) I call unto the hidden hand of the diametric alliance between the bearer of light and the bearer of its shadow so that I might become subject to and recipient of a Cronian enlightenment. The esoterica of the red desert and Hell is observed by the sagacious Saturnian Horned God who presides over its sempiternal biosphere. I call out to Rofocal, the Black Lord of the Red Desert. Change me. Agios ischyros Lucifuge (x2) [Numinous and mighty is Lucifuge] Baruch ha-Lucifuge Rofocale (x9) [Blessed is Lucifuge Rofocale] Venire - Rofocale Rex Noctifer (x2) Oh Lucifugus Rofocalus, to whom the Black Sun and wild rose are sacred. The immortal nigrescent birds of prey which environ your province are the emissaries of a most worthy god. You w...

Incantation to Lilith to Banish Jehovah

Several Satanists who practice the Craft surrounded by or prayed for by Christians have noticed celestial forces inhibiting or weakening their rituals. This is an incantation to Lilith to protect the ritual from external interference from the god of Abraham and any of the spirits serving him-- saints, angels, djinn that follow Allah, etc. Magickal chants were incorporated from several existing traditions and appear alongside some of the chants I made personally: Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil (x6) Ave Lilu Lilitu. Io Lilith. Domina Noctis. Ama Lilith Layil Rimog Lilith Lilit Malkah ha’Shadim. Renich Viasa Avage Lilith Lirach. I call upon Lilith, the Storm-Goddess of the Black Moon who manifests as Temptress and Destroyer and Vampyre against the worm called Yahweh who pursues my inhibition. I shall become as a blight unto the insufferable mongrels indentured to Jehovah. I spurn the intrusion of the false god who in desperation strives for acceptance from the masses and I rebuke the ...

I am Leaving the Order of the Nine Angles

I would challenge a person who keeps tabs on the Satanic community to name a black magickal order besides the ONA which regularly expresses scorn for its own adherents. I unable to, and I'm told I know my shit. The most prominent example of the way that the ONA eats itself is the hoax created by Kerry Smith, an "OG" Niner (i.e. founding member) who falsely claimed that the ONA's founder was dead. A few ONA writers, myself included, disputed the claim, but the majority of the ONA accepted the report as accurate. After David Myatt himself resurfaced to refute the claim, Kerry Smith conceded her position. She then explained that hoax was conducted with the intent to publicly prove that the majority of the Order of the Nine Angles would believe anything they were told by an established ONA writer. But Smith is not the only one member of the ONA who holds contempt for the ONA as a near whole. Chloe has largely become known for going on similar tirades, variously portraying...

Invocation of Adrammelech

Agios o Adar-Malik (x3) [Numinous is Adra-Malik] The Demonic Sphere of Acausal Venom which is home to deathly dragon-winged angels and sulphurous horrific spirits has a black adamantine throne within the cathedral at its epicenter. This is the throne of Adramelech, the Infernal Peacock Magus of the Forbidden Kliffotic Planes. Tonight I seek an audience with him. Baruch ha-Adramelech, Melech ha-Qlipha ha-Kokab (x7) [Blessed is Adramelech, King of the Mercurial Qlipha] The Pansophical Demon-God Adramelech is the Lord of Venom and Flames whose multifarious eyes impart power and awakening to the congregation of the Black Lodge. This, my ritual of union with him, is a step on the infernal evolutionary path that I have chosen as mine. Agios Adramelech Rex Venenum (x16) [Numinous Adramelech King of Poison] Sagacious and mighty demon, your name is Adra-Malik, and I call you into the vessel I AM. Aperiatur Acharayim, et germinet Adrammelech (x16) As I have spoken, so let it be done.

Azanigin, Az-Jehu, Aza, Semyaza, Al-Uzza

Azanigin is “the Lady of the Terror of Chaos & Hidden Knowledge of the Unknown,” according to the manuscripts of the Temple of THEM. She is called the “ mother of all demons who lie waiting in the earth ” in Naos and her magickal specialty is rites of personal destruction. She corresponds to the tarot card known as Wyrd (Atu X) which signifies the causation of long-term change in a given civilization or species. Azanigin relates to the sphere of Saturn called Zuhal in Arabic. Her name, which is best chanted in the key of B minor, has been used to signify the beneficent aspect of Mother Earth , which seems fitting, considering how “approachable” and bliss-inducing she was in my interactions with her. As a dark earth goddess , she relates to the hallucinogen called Ayahuasca, which is often used at Kundalini meditation retreats. The incenses appropriate to workings with her are petrichor and ash. She has also been attributed to a highly pernicious substance called polonium, and the...


Attributed Qlipha: Thaumiel Colors: White, Pink, Gold D/N: Nocturnal Element: Earth; Water (Primary) Sacred Numbers: 37, 10, 44, 2, 11 Compass: Southwest; Northwest Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek Major Planetary Attributions: the Black Moon; Mercury Secondary Planetary Attributions: Jupiter; Venus Lesser Planetary Attribution: Earth Thantifaxath is one of the archdemons of the Tunnels of Set-- i.e. the pathways between the ten realms of Hell or the Qliphoth. Despite the fact that it is the first pathway which the apsidomancer (witch who works with demons) will encounter, it is called  either the thirty-second pathway or the twenty-second pathway, depending upon whether or not the numeration includes the ten spheres. It lies between the first two realms of the Qliphoth, which are ruled by Nahema/Na'amah and Lilith. Thantifaxath's name means "Great Ghoul", and the pathway over which he presides is filled with larvae, ghouls, succubi, incubi, and corpse candles which can ...