
Showing posts from March, 2017

Ritual to Apollo's Lycanthropic Manifestation

Io Apollon-Lycegenes  [Hail unto Apollon the Wolf-Begotten] Aperiatur Stella, et germinet Lyceus  (x3) [Open the sky, and bring forth Lyceus] I call forth the Bestial Manifestation of Apollo which is known unto humanity as Lyceus and Lycoctonos. Impart your auspices in harmony with my ritual such that I might see fruition for the intentions which follow: (specify request) Oh hear the names:  Lycegenes + Apaliunas + Lykeios + Apollo Cunomaglus + Lyceus + Lycoctonos + Ave Apollo Cunomaglus + Io Apollon-Lycegenes Agios ischyros Lycoctonos (x7) [Numinous and Mighty is Lycoctonos] Hail unto the Effulgent Hound-God over Olympus whose influence disperses bale and convalesence throughout causal society. The Olympian Hound-Packs of Apollo Cunomaglus scour the astral planes for those who strive to enmity with Apollo. I call upon the Lycanthrope Apollo-Lycoctonos! Venire – Pater Lyceus (x7) [Come – Father Lyceus] As I have spoken, so let it be done. Ave Apollo Cunomaglus! [Hail to Apollo whose F...

Havayothic Prayer for the Empowerment of Any Ritual

This prayer may be articulated, preferably twice sequentially, at any part during any working to call upon the Azerate/Chavajoth/Havayoth to empower it by their influence. Ave Deus Alienus, Vedar-Gal Tiekals Somdus Azerate,  Qodesh-la Azerate, Agios o Havayoth. I call upon the Elevenfold Pantheon of Sitra Achara whose demonry suffuses the Cosmos with Black Light. Saturate the arena of my ritual with your influence and render my incantations empowered. Heh-Vau-Heh-Yod, Azerate Achad-Asar Nahema, Lilith, Adramaleck, Bael, Belfegore, Asmoday, Astaroth, Beelzebuth, Lucerifuge, Molock, Sathan. Chah-Vuh-Joth  (x11) Athah Gibor Leohlam Azerate, Ave Havayoth. The prayer makes use of chants from Liber Azerate and  Diabolic Gnosticism: Mythos and Philosophy . The first line in italics means "Hail the Foreign Divinity, (chant to call on the Azerate), Holy to the Azerate, Numinous is Havayoth." "Azerate Achad-Asar" means "Eleven are the Azerate." "Athah Gibor Le...

Chants to Apollo's Lycanthropic Manifestation

AVE APOLLO CUNOMAGLUS "Hail Apollo the Dog-Headed" IO APOLLON-LYCEGENES "Hail unto Apollon the Wolf-Begotten" APERIATUR STELLA, ET GERMINET LYCEUS "Open the sky, and bring forth Lyceus" VENIRE - PATER LYCEUS "Come - Father Lyceus" AGIOS ISCHYROS LYCOCTONOS "Numinous and Mighty is Lycoctonos" INVOCO EXITOSUS VORSIPELLIS LYCOCTONOS "I Call the Destructive Shapeshifter Lycoctonos!" INTERVENI PERNICIALIS REX APOLLO CUNOMAGLUS "Come, Destructive King Apollo with the Head of a Dog!" V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia


The demon known as Lepaca or Lepacha appears in traditional grimoires as a spirit under Astaroth whose name means Opener or Discloser. Modern practitioners of the Draconian Tradition, such as the Temple of the Ascending Flame known for Asenath Mason and the Temple of Layil known for Daemon Barzai, often call upon the auspices of Lepaca for the facillitation of invocations, evocations, and the creation of sacred space. However, since Lepaca has only been used as a proxy by the mainstream Black Lodge, I feel that his true potential has yet to be capitalized upon in full. Lepaca's color is black and he is strongly associated with Algol. He can divulge esoteric astrological and astronomical truths. Lepaca can assist in astral projection as well as permanently refine the subtle body of the witch to make it more apt for astral projection. This blessing of his, best attained through the evocation of him, will be of great advantage for a witch who has yet to consciously achieve astral proj...

The Esoteric Signification of Lucifer

"Magic consists of pulling things from the Darkness into the Light." -Don Webb I have written previously in my article  Lucifer is Never Sometimes Always Satan that the moniker of Light-Bearer is applicable to many different divinities and has been applied to many different divinities. The conclusion I drew from this is that it is completely appropriate to refer to Satan as Lucifer just as it is completely appropriate to speak of a Lucifer who is separate from Satan. The entity or aspect of Satan known as Lucifer is related both to the Sun and Venus. Depending upon the time of day, Venus is either referred to as the Morning Star or the Evening Star. Lucifer Qui Mane Oriebaris [Lucifer Son of the Morning] is the planet Venus at Night-- i.e. the Morning Star. That is to say, Lucifer is Venus as a portent (or harbinger) of the coming Sunrise (Enlightenment). Helel [Morning Star] has a numerical value of 75 in Gematria. Helel ben Shachar [Morning Star, Son of the Dawn] has numer...


Names: Alfpunias, Alefpene'ash, Gurigur, Zusigethon (this one is invented) Secret Names: Rimkalathoth, Kortoragoth, Mimkathagal, Rimkoratal, Yarakalatoth Qliphothic Attribution: Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus) Primary Planetary Attributions: Mars; Venus Illegitima; Pluto Secondary Planetary Attributions: Earth; Black Sun; Mercury Lesser Planetary Attribution: Jupiter Element: Fire (Primary); Air; Water Colors: Green, Grey, Purple, Blue, Yellow Sacred Numbers: 8, 19, 12 Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu; Tohu Compass: Southwest (Primary); East; North Non-Qliphothic Sphere: Bapki [Planetary Sphere of the Earth] Attributed Behenian Stars: Alpheneca (Primary); Vega (Secondary); Aldebaran (Tertiary) Above: Original Sigil of Alfpunias Alefpene'ash or Alfpunias is called the Harba di Ashm'dai [Sword of Asmodeus] and referred to as Gurigur. He is the son of Asmodeus and Na'amah who presides over 80,000 destructive fiends and resides within the Qliphothic Sphere of Mars. While Asmodeus rules...

Rite to Lucifer

(This ritual uses magickal chants from the Order of the Nine Angles,  Liber Azerate , and Daemon Barzai. The word effulgence means brightness and Stregheria is an Italian witchcraft religion. Phrases in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics are to be chanted. Translations appear in brackets) I call unto Lucifero for the sake of self-empowerment and magickal alchemy. Oh, answer to the words of power and names:  Med-Orth + Lucifero + Lumiel + Helel ben Shachar + Lucibel + Asturel + Aggelos Phos + Liftoach Qliphoth + Liftoach Pandemonium Aperiatur terra, et germinet Lucifer  (x7) [Open the Earth and bring forth Lucifer] Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer  (x11) (this calls to Lucifer to empower the Black Flame) Hail unto the Solar-Venusian Warlock whose effulgence foreshadows the Sunrise and the Coming Aeon's arrival! Hail again unto the God of Stregheria! I call forth Lucifer to magnify the power of my internal fire and beget manifold evolution unto me! Renich Tasa Uberaca Bi...

Invocation of Lykania (Hekate's Lycanthropic Aspect)

  {This ritual serves to invoke Hecate's esoteric lycanthropic aspect through name vibration and Enochian script. In the process of this, the ritual raises Qliphothic and Demonic energy because Hecate is known to work closely and harmoniously with those forces amongst her followers in the LHP. The purpose of this is to raise the spiritual vibration of the area in order to better facilitate the rite. However, as I acknowledge that many practitioners will not desire this kind of energy, I have underlined all chants which call forth Demonic and/or Qliphothic energy so that they may be excluded at the discretion of the celebrant. Names and chants in bold are to be vibrated, whereas phrases in italics are to be chanted. Where name lists occur, each + signifies the end of one vibration/exhalation, and translations of non-English phrases appear in brackets} Liftoach Pandemonium! Ave Hecate Kyno Megiste! [Open the Demonic Realm! Hail Hekate the Great Hound] Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas It...

Rite to Tanin'iver

Liftoach Qliphoth! Io Drakon Anabaino Gamaliel! [Open Hell! Hail the Dragon from Gamaliel] Veni, veni, Tanin’iver, Princeps Gamalielim (x7) [Come, come, Tanin’iver, Prince of the Obscene Ones] Melus de Quo Magma [Reality Emanates from the Demonic] I call forth the Viperous Emissary of the Numinous Obscenity which presides over the Qlipha of the Black Moon so that I might become transformed and empowered. Answer to my call, Ineffable Serpent from the Sphere of the Blood Moon, Pythonic Sentinel of the Other Side! Impart transmutation and alchemy unto me, N.N., a black magickian! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas Venire Tanin’iver et germinet anados (x7) [Come Tanin’iver and bring about magickal evolution] Io Drakon Anabaino Gamaliel! [Hail the Dragon from Gamaliel] Draconic Wanderer of the Tree of Death! Bewinged Sentinel of the Second Sphere! Infernal Harbinger of Black Magickal Transmutation! Hail unto Tanini’ver the Sightless Dragon who unifies the Devil with his Bride and imparts gnosis ...

The Ascended Vampyres or "Undead Gods" (With Chants and Sigil)

The Ascended Vampyres, more commonly called "the Undead Gods," are a group of earth-bound wraiths who practiced the art of psychic vampyrism in conjunction with some other form of witchcraft in their physical lives prior to ascent. Every Ascended Vampyre is different and has their own wisdom and knowledge to impart to the summoner. Countless entirely separate vampyric lodges consort with these entities, and the most common ritual performed in honor of them calls them forth to devour the energy of the celebrant(s) and thereupon refill the celebrant with their own energy. This is an incredibly empowering operation. The reason I keep putting "Undead Gods" in quotation marks is that the Ascended Vampyres are not undead, and they are not gods. They are not powerful enough to be considered deities, and as a necromancer, I can tell you that they are Ascended Masters, not undead. There is a difference. Summoning the Ascended Vampyres is not necromancy. The Ascended Vampyres...

Bufas or Pruflas (Goetia #73)

Names: Bufas, Pruflas, Pruslas, Bughuul, Bagul Legions: 26 Magickal Numbers: 97, 111, 899, 000, 57, 94, 91 Rank: Great Prince or Great Duke Gender: Usually Male Crystals: Pyrite, Amethyst, Cytrine, Smoky Quartz Enn: Timgalla Rimtorra Pruflas Rimkathorra Herb: Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Ginger Oil: Petruli, Lavendar Direction: East Color: Purple, Green, Orange (listed in order of his/her preference) The original list of demons from which the  Ars Goetia was derived consisted of only 69 demons. According to Wikipedia, the  Ars Goetia added four entities and excluded one by accident. We will be listing this entity, largely lost to time, as the seventy-third Goetic demon. According to  Pseudomonarchium Daemonum , "Pruflas, otherwise found as Bufas, is a great prince and duke, whose abode is around the Tower of Babylon, and there he is seen like a flame outside. His head however is like that of a great night hawk. He is the author and promoter of discord, war, quarrels, and falsehood. He may ...

Invocation of Azazel

{This ritual incorporates both a magickal chant to Azazel from  The Book of Azazel by E.A. Koetting alongside multiple magickal chants of my own invention. The rite opens with my original nine-vibration formula for the calling of Azazel, which includes obscure historical permutations of his name, invented magickal epithets in Greek and Hebrew, and two numerical values of Azazel's name in Gematria pronounced in Enochian as magickal words of power. The traditional demonic enn for Azazel appears in this rite as well. Phrases, names, and words of power in bold are to be vibrated. Phrases in italics are to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations or instructions appear in parentheses. This ritual may be performed without any opening ceremony, sigils, or physical equipment, but such unnecessary additives are advantageous and should/can be incorporated as determined by the individual celebrant} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Nu...

Fluctuations in Magickal Development

Suffering trauma, particularly in the formative stages of one's lebensweg [life path or journey], sharply augments the spiritual potentiality of the afflicted. It wasn't until I saw my behavior through the lenses of another person's observations that I realized exactly how traumatized I had been. But what I went through was nothing compared to the prior experiences of the persons I initiated, and I was confused as to why some of them appeared to surpass me from the moment of their inception into the Black Arts. I have learned not to mind this, as my covenmates and I take turns surpassing one another in various fields over the course of our ascents. Many practitioners studied the Craft in their past lives and/or consorted with forces of infernality betwixt incarnations, and therefor incarnated with augmented potential. I wonder if mundanes sense their gifts and last out at them subconsciously. Those who do not pursue anodos, or magickal ascent, are destined to try and impede...

Luciferian Magickal Chants

AGIOS ADRAMELECH REX VENENUM "Numinous Adramelech King of Poison" Source: VK BARUCH-HA ADRAMELECH, MELECH HA-QLIPHA HA-KOKAB "Blessed is Adramelech, King of the Qlipha of Mercury" Source: VK APERIATUR ACHARAYIM, ET GERMINET ADRAMELECH "Open the Backwards Tree, and bring from Adramelech" Source: VK HEKAS, HEKAS, ESTE BEBLOI "Far, far, go away profane ones!" Used for banishing Source: Greek Magickal Papyri QODESH LA-MOLOCK SAR THAMIEL "Holy to Molock Prince of Thamiel" Source: V.K. AGIOS MOLOCK, SALVE REX IGNIFER "Numinous (is) Molock; Hail to the Monarch and Fire-Bearer" The word numinous means (A) divine/spiritual (B) inspiring greatness (C) mysterious; We're using all three meanings at once. Source: V.K. DESSURPUR KAJP GIDUPP LEVIATHAN Directs the energy of wrathful chaos into the Cosmos, rendering causal forms shapeless and awakening the Black Dragon of the Sea of Chaos. This formula can reveal the dark gates to the astr...

Ritual to Qayin Mortifer

HEIL KAIN VON SAMAEL! AVE QAYIN MESSOR! SALVE SENOR LA MUERTE! AGIOS ISCHYROS KA-IN AROTRIOS! [Hail Cain, son of Samael. Hail Cain . Hail unto Death. Transcendent and mighty is Cain of the Plow] I call forth the firstborn son of the Devil who has taken the name of Mahan as a symbol of his initiation. Visit this place in the guise of a death-bearer whose jawbone sickle was the catalyst of the sanctification of herbs and magickal poisons. Descend unto me, cadaverous first adept, so that I might experience elevation in your name. Oh hear the names. QAYIN FALXIFER + ADIAPHOTOS + QAYIN OCCISOR + MAHAN + QABIL + SENOR DE LA CRUZ NEGRA + QAYIN MORTIFER SALVE SAN ESQUELETO. AGIOS ISCHYROS KA-IN AROTRIOS. ME ENCANTA SAN SEVERO DE LA MUERTE. [Hail the Skeleton Saint. Transcendent and mighty is Cain of the Plow. I love the Harsh Saint of Death] QAYIN, MAHAN, DIAPHOTOS, QABEEL, BAREKHOOH. VENI, QAYIN BEN SAMAEL. ZAMMAZO-EMOOT-ZARAQAEN-BAALTZELMOTH. [(Chant Composed of Qayin's Various Names)! C...

Lilith's Esoteric Saturnian Aspect

In  Qabbalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic , Thomas Karlsson posits that Lilith's true throne is within the Qlipha known as Satorial (Lucifuge/Saturn). This postulation has been disputed by various authors-- after all, it can be seen as counterintuitive. This article serves to defend Karlsson's postulation. According to Dion Fortune, the nature of Lilith is comparable to an inversion of the Sephira known as Binah. Binah is attributed to the planet Saturn and is considered to be a feminine manifestation of Jehovah's power. Obviously, Satorial is the infernal equivalent of Binah. Binah is the third emanation of Lilith, and the number three relates to the moon. There were three angels summoned to battle Lilith (Senoy, Sansenoy, and Semangelof). Moreover, there are three primary astrological bodies to which Lilith is attributed: the asteroid name after her, the Black Moon, and the dark moon, the last of which might or might not exist (seek your own gnosis). Her three lesser/minor...


Primary Planetary Attributions: the Earth; Neptune Lesser Planetary Attributions: Saturn; the Moon; the Sun Qliphothic Attributions: Thagirion; Gamchicoth D/N: Nocturnal Direction: Northwest Color: Light Green, Red, Blue, Pink, White Date: November, Late Autumn Elemental Attributions: Water (Primary); Earth (Secondary) Attributed Ingreidents & Substances: Myrtle, Black Cohosh, Lavender, Coltsfoot, Copal Verrier is the perfect spirit to call upon in order to preserve your personal power and agency in just about any way imaginable, and he really seems to enjoy doing so. He can preserve your influence over circumstances or people, make sure you keep your job or any position of power, ensure a steady income, keep your interpersonal interactions running drama-free and smooth, and establish a pattern of success in all manner of action. Verrier manifested to me as male. He is equally attributed to the Qliphas known as Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Astaroth) and Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphegor). He c...

The O9A is Inherently White Supremacist

Hebdomadry attributes a different word of power to each planetary sphere it seeks to work with. For example, Saturn’s WoP is Chaos, and one of Luna’s words of power is Nox. The WoP attributed to the sphere of Mars is Azif, and since I was initiating myself into the sphere of Mars via Qliphoth, I decided to add the Martian WoP to the ritual I was writing. I think the word Azif translates to mean “lawless,” and I didn’t consider it to be any more significant than any other given magickal word. I assumed it had an either ineffable or shallow meaning like most words of power, but in reality, Azif signifies one of the most important concepts in Hebdomadry. Hostia refers to the word Azif in passing when contrasting that Numinous-Pagan worldview which is (allegedly) our heritage with the Thelema, explaining “The true ethos of the West - which the religion of the Nazarene distorted and supplanted - may be signified by the word `Azif' and the symbol of the sunwheel; it is pagan in essence....

Falcifer and Mactoron

The title O9A, when spelled out with Greek letters as Omega-9-Alpha, has a unique connotation. Aside from signifying aeonic renewal (End->Beginning), Omega-9-Alpha signifies the Tree of Wyrd itself. According to  Advanced Planetary Magick , each of the first seven Greek letters is identified with a planetary sphere. Omega corresponds to Zuhal [Arabic: Sphere of Saturn], and Alpha corresponds to Qamar [Arabic: the Sphere of the Moon], and the ToW is very much a top-down progression from Zuhal to Qamar. The Star Gate through which Atazothic currents flow into the Cosmos which the ONA emphasizes is the one near Saturn and named Falcifer [Latin: Reaper/Sickle Bearer] after the deity Saturn, often referred to as Deus Falcifer. The axiom "Come as a reaper for thus you will sow" symbolizes the incarnation of Falciferian/Saturnian current within Vindex, or within a civilization symbolized through Vindex (see Aeonic Notes IX ). In Hebdomadry, Mother Earth is venerated through the d...