Ritual to Apollo's Lycanthropic Manifestation
Io Apollon-Lycegenes [Hail unto Apollon the Wolf-Begotten] Aperiatur Stella, et germinet Lyceus (x3) [Open the sky, and bring forth Lyceus] I call forth the Bestial Manifestation of Apollo which is known unto humanity as Lyceus and Lycoctonos. Impart your auspices in harmony with my ritual such that I might see fruition for the intentions which follow: (specify request) Oh hear the names: Lycegenes + Apaliunas + Lykeios + Apollo Cunomaglus + Lyceus + Lycoctonos + Ave Apollo Cunomaglus + Io Apollon-Lycegenes Agios ischyros Lycoctonos (x7) [Numinous and Mighty is Lycoctonos] Hail unto the Effulgent Hound-God over Olympus whose influence disperses bale and convalesence throughout causal society. The Olympian Hound-Packs of Apollo Cunomaglus scour the astral planes for those who strive to enmity with Apollo. I call upon the Lycanthrope Apollo-Lycoctonos! Venire – Pater Lyceus (x7) [Come – Father Lyceus] As I have spoken, so let it be done. Ave Apollo Cunomaglus! [Hail to Apollo whose F...