
Showing posts from December, 2017

Magickal Chants to Moloch

Molock + Melchom + Mulak + Minotaur + Makal + Asterius + Moloch + Malkam + Ignifer + Malik + Milcom This is a name-vibration formula I consecrated for one of the rituals in my upcoming book. As you can see, it consists off eleven names because 11 is the number of all magick and the Infernal Divine. Don-Graph + Molock + Melchom + Mulak + Minotaur + Makal + Asterius + Moloch + Malkam + Ignifer + Malik + Milcom + Aeonifer + Goessabim + Xulogos + Semolshedim + Khaosophoros + Ala-Mashavah + Diabalachara + Manifestos + Artorzozam This is my super-duper overpowered name vibration formula of Moloch, for those super super long rituals. Don-Graph is the number 87 pronounced in Enochian as a magickal word of power. Manifestos and Artorzozam are both words of power for summoning, and the seven names before the word Manifestos (starting with Aeonifer and concluding with Diabalachara) are invented magickal names which are useful in the calling-forth of any demon. Agios Molekh, Salve Rex Ignifer ...

Magickal Chants to Beelzebuth

Charashiyth + Aba-Rahas + Charazuhob + Balakol + Beelzebub + Liftoach Qliphoth This is a name-vibration formula for the calling-forth of Beelzebuth. Source:  The Book of Sitra Achra by the 218 Current Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Beelzebuth Demonic Enn for Invoking Beelzebuth Source:  The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic  by J. Thorp Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Beelzebuth “Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Beelzebuth” This chant invokes Bael and increases the alchemical/self-transformative effects of the rite of invocation Source: V.K. In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Beelzebuth “In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Beelzebuth!” This chant calls forth Beelzebuth while simultaneously focusing the mind of the witch. Source: V.K. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Beelzebub “Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Beelzebub!” This chant calls forth Beelzebuth while simultaneously presencing Qliphothic ...

Magickal Chants to Ba'al or Bael

Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Bael Demonic Enn for Invoking Ba’al Source:  The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Bael "Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Bael!" This chant invokes Bael and increases the alchemical/self-transformative effects of the rite of invocation Source: V.K. Agios o Bael "Numinous is Bael" Source: V.K. Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Baal-Tzelmoth "Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Baal-Tzelmoth!" Source: V.K. Jezebel Most people know Jezebel as a standard female name because of one infamous woman who bore it. However, Jezebel originated as traditional exclamation of worship for Ba'al for ritual use. It literally translates to "Where is the Prince?", which won't make much sense to us intellectually, but is still useful. Source: Wikipedia Salve Bael Pater Herab Serapel "Hail Bael, Father of the Qlipha of Venus!" Source: V.K. Venire Baal-Tzelmoth Rex Sol Et Arab Zaraq...

Magickal Chants to Luna/Selene

Yuri M. participated in a partner working which resulted in the production of two sigils which are made to go together. In his words: "The top sigil is based on Enochian gematria and drawn on the Square of the Moon. The bottom, main portion is Her name sigilized in Enochian script." This sigil is reproduced with permission. Ave Luna Nocticula! "Hail Luna who Shines at Night!" I generally use this chant at the start of a ritual, but that isn't a rule. Salve Mene Regina Qamar “Hail (Selene) Queen of the Sphere of the Moon” Salve Phoebe-Mene-Selene-Noctiluna-Cynthia “Hail (Five Names of Selene)” Veni, Siderum Regina Bicornis "Come, Two-Horned Queen of the Stars!" Luna + Noctiluna + Selene + Phoebe + Cynthia + Phoebe + Mene + Pasiphae This is a consecrated name-vibration formula. Above: My Original Sigil of Luna -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

The Mass of Davcina

{This ritual calls upon the Sumerian Earth Goddess venerated throughout ancient cultures by the names of Damkina, Damgalnunna, and Ninhursag, and by the Order of the Nine Angles as Hebdomadry. As far as Davcina goes, based on what my matron demoness told me about her, I think it's safe to say that Davcina can be recommended more highly than almost any other non-demonic spirit for the magickal practice of Satanists, and probably many other religions as well. Phrases in italics are to be chanted in a slow, rhythmic way, and the six names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and instructions appear in parentheses. This rite can be performed without any materials. Materials are recommended, but not required, and it is the prerogative of the witch to determine for herself how she is to incorporate her materials into the rite} (NOTE: THIS PART OF THE RITUAL SERVES PRIMARILY TO RAISE A SACRED SPACE, SO FOCUS ON THE INTENT TO DO THAT AS YOU RECITE ...

The Best Approach to Soft Polytheism

My causal, human mind wants Satan to be the same entity as Loki and Ahriman because of how simple the universe would be if that were true. Believing this misconception would give me a sensation of understanding that makes me more comfortable in my relationship with the Numinous*. There are distinct similarities, archetypally speaking, between these divinities, and concluding that they are all the same would relieve me of the feeling of ambiguity that makes me more hesitant to pursue a relationship with those divinities than I would be if I were certain of their identities. *"The Numinous" is a synonym for "the Divine" with specific philosophical connotations. The concept of the Numinous, coined by Rudolf Otto, is central to my philosophy, as well as to the philosophies of Mircea Eliade and David Myatt, who is also known as Stephen Leather and Anton Long. Anton Long's take on this concept is the one most influential to me. You do not need to understand the philos...

Introduction to Qliphothic Self-Initiation

I now have rites of initiation for all 10 Qliphothic spheres, all 22 Tunnels of Set, and the 4 hidden Tunnels of Set, and all of them are to be found in the Qliphothic Self-Initiation category of my website. So, where do you start? If the idea of Qliphothic sphereworkings is new to you, read these: If you would like to pursue Qliphothic self-initiation in the future but think you should be more experienced before you try it, I have good news. The spirits, energies, power, etc. of every Qliphothic sphere can be called upon without engendering a sphere initiation. The more you work with these spheres, the more accessible they will be when you do pursue sphere initiations. I have advised black magickal neophytes to recite one of my magickal hymns to the Infernal Divine with the intent of self-empowerment so as to develop an energetic...

The Hidden Refinement of Adamas Ater

The Three Refinements of Adamas Ater serve to use demon magick to empower the witch through a multitude of planetary spheres or tunnels. The intention here is not just to revisit initiatory forces that still have more to offer, but to consciously align oneself or "sync up" with forces that you previously failed or refused to integrate properly. I highly doubt that any of you are going to outright reject the energies of any of these Spheres or Paths, but many of you are bound to integrate a few imperfectly, so I wanted to provide a means for you to perfect your attainment. The "Hidden RoAA" is not among the "Official" RoAA because it's something of an experiment. (It's an experiment for you. I've done this several times) This rite calls upon the initiatory forces of the Planetary Spheres without using the Qliphoth, Sephiroth, or any other tree. Specifically, this rite will serve to call on every planetary sphere except those of the Earth, Moon, ...

The Second Refinement of Adamas Ater

{Unless your spirit guides advise otherwise, you really shouldn't perform this rite unless you've already performed all 3 of my Non-Qliphothic Sphereworkings. The Three Refinements of Adamas Ater serve to re-empower the witch with the initiatory powers she has already been elevated by, furthering the transformation and, if necessary, fixing the witch's attunement/alignment with whichever spheres she unknowingly wasn't willing to fully become enveloped by. The Second Refinement of Adamas Ater calls upon the Goetikon to open all three extra-Qliphothic planetary spheres} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Khaosophoros-Goetikon! Melus De Quo Magma! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Hail to the Chaos-Bearing Metagod of the Goetia! Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Voco Te Goetikon  (x11) [I Call to the Goetikon] Tasa Reme Laris Goetikon (x11) [(Demonic Enn for the Goetikon)] Drakosophia Liftoach Bapki! [The Current of the Adversary Opens the Sphere of ...

The First Refinement of Adamas Ater

{Unless you are led to do this rite by your guiding spirits, this ritual should probably not be performed by someone who has yet to perform all 10 Qliphothic Sphereworkings. The Three Refinements of Adamas Ater empower the witch through intiatory forces (spheres, paths, etc.) she has already been initiated through. This increases magickal power & spiritual competence and further integrates the prior initiation's influence on the psyche. The witch is to focus on exuding love towards all the infernal forces she's calling on, as in doing so, she optimizes or at least improves her alignment to their influence. It's hard to explain what I mean when I tell you how helpful it can be to improve your alignment with the Qliphothic spheres you've already self-initiated through, but you'll know what I'm talking about when you feel it. This rite calls upon Chavajoth to resubject the celebrant to the initiatory powers of the Spheres. The celebrant should consult her spiri...

Ritual to Radahel, Amprodias, Ornias, & Layilel

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Open the Qliphoth! Open the Infernal Plane] Radahel + Amprodias + Ornias + Layilel +   Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Goessabbim + Xulogos + Khaosophoros [(Note: the Last Seven God Names in this Vibration List are Invented Magickal Names which can be Used to Refer to Any Demon, Demonic Metagod, or Group of Demons. In this Context, Each of Those Invented God Names Refers to All Three Demons Being Called and Works to Presence Them All Simultaneously)] (Specify the Desired Forms of Spiritual Empowerment and/or Alteration of Self or Ask the Spirits to Empower You However They See Fit. Remember, These Demons Are All Renowned for Their Specialization in Vampyric Magick) Yornar'gara Iessara Lear Nora'toth  (x11) [Channeled Chant to Presence Infernal Power/Energy] Praedicate Divinus Arbitrator Ornias! In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatu...

Ritual to Qingu, Samael, & Nyx

This ritual calls upon Samael, Kingu, and Nyx for the incitement of specified kinds of spiritual empowerment and/or alteration of the witch (physical health, IQ level, etc.). If the witch prefers it, she may perform the rite without specific requests and let the deities determine how they should empower you for themselves. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary] (If There Are Specific Kinds of Spiritual & Magickal Empowerment or Refinement of Self You Would Like, List Them Now, or Otherwise Allow the Spirits to Decide, in Their Wisdom, How They Should Empower You) Samael + Kingu + Astraea + Samael + Nox + Nyx + Kingu Salve Ambrosius Qingu-- Venire Dei Abyssi! Ecce Calicem Veneno, Samael!   Nyx Phylia, Admirabilis, Divina Astraea, Patefi Caelis! Laudate Nox Coelestis Diva! Extollate Kingu Aethereus Lacertus! [Hail the Immortal Qingu-- Come, God of the Abyss! The Poison of Samael is Present! Kindly Nyx, You Are Wondrous, Divine Astraea/N...

Ritual to Qalilitu & Qulielfi

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Agios o Sitra Ahra-- Drakosophia Gloria! Porro Triumphator In Inferno Sunt! Melus De Quo Magma! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh!  [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Numinous is the Other Side-- Glory to the Current of the Adversary! Victory Resides with the Infernal! Reality Emanates from the Demonic! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! (Chant to Presence Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Infernal Plane! Let There Be Black Light] Qalilitu + Madogiel + Qulielfi + Aeonifer + Semolshedim + Diabalachara + Ala-Mashavah + Goessabbim + Xulogos + Khaosophoros + Artorzozam + Don-Graph + Pal-Un  [(Note: the Last Two Words of Power in the Vibration List are Magickally Significant Numbers Pronounced in Enochian as Words of Power. Before the Two Numbers, the List Uses Seven Invented Magickal Names which can be Used to Refer to Any Demon, Demonic Metagod, or ...

Ritual to A'athiel, Amducious, & Mephistophiles

Agios Octinomos Drakosophia! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Zodamran! Zazas Zazas Nasatanada Zazas! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! (WoP to Presence Qliphothic Energy)! (Chant to Presence Qliphothic Energy)! Let There Be Black Light] I conjure forth three of the most powerful initiators in the Other Side as the blackness of Sitra Ahra percolates the atmosphere of my chamber. I pursue in demon magick the elevation of my consciousness and the saturation of my personhood with the Higher and Alternate Selves! I have arisen to ritual so that I might walk the earth with a soul more effulgent than starlight and a strength of Will that's harder than pearl! (Specify Any Magickal or Psychic Abilities, Senses, Powers, Etc. You Need or Want Work On or Just Tell the Demons to Empower You However They See Fit) Spirits! Arise! Oh Hear the Names! Gothiel + Amducious + Mephistophiles + Mesphi...

Ritual to Qalmana

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Qalmana-Lil-U-Wa! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary! Hail Qalmana/Luluwa] Qalmana Meleketh Ha-Gulgatha Va-Nogah! Invoco Awan In Nomine Qliphoth! Malka Ha-Magal Ha-Kavod Va-Mispach! [Qalmana Queen of Gulgatha and Venus! I Call to Awan/Luluwa in the Name of the Qliphoth! Queen of the Sickle of Abundance and Bloodshed] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Laphura (x3) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Laphura/Qalmana] Zodamran! Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Melus De Quo Magma! [(WoP to Presence Qliphothic Energy)! Open the Infernal Plane! Let There Be Black Light! Reality Emanates from the Demonic] Luluwa! Awana! Malkah ha-Magal ha-Kavod va-Mispach! Gebereth ha-Ruachoth! Abiyr Gan ha-Tzelmoth! Ha-Sarah Ha-Sarapel! Awan Elilah Ha-Gehab! Em ha-Memorah! Io Qalmana! [Luluwa! Awana (name of Luluwa)! Queen of the Sickle of Abundance and Bloodshed! Queen of Ghosts! Mighty One of the Garden of Death! The Princess of the Bla...

Ritual to Machaloth

{This ritual calls upon Machaloth/Mahlat to fulfill a specified request(s). One of the major sources of the rite's power is name vibration: two seven-name vibration lists appear in the ritual. While half of the names in these vibration lists are clearly just variations of Machaloth's name, the other half are invented magickal names which can be used to refer to and vibrated to call upon any demon. The magickal phrase which is presented in italics is to be chanted, i.e. recited in a slow and rhythmic way. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. My rituals focus heavily upon magickal chants and words of power so that they are able to generate large amounts of power even in the absence of ceremonial equipment, incense, etc. If witchcraft materials are available to the celebrant, they may (and should) be incorporated however she deems fit} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous is the Current and Great Work of the Adversary] I cal...


Names: Machaloth, Mahalath, Machalath, Maklath, Mahlat, Machalas, Mochlath, Mahalat Pre-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu Primary Qlipha: Nahemoth Secondary Qlipha: Satariel Lesser Qliphothic Attributions: Thaumiel; Gamaliel D/N: Nocturnal Days of the Week: Saturday (Primary); Tuesday; Wednesday Holy Days: Friday 13th; Fire Festivals; Celebrant's Birthday; July 21; June 21 Primary Element: Water Lesser Elemental Attributions: Fire; Earth Primary Planetary Attribution: Earth Secondary Planetary Attributions: Moon; Sun; Mercury Lesser Planetary Attributions: Uranus; Venus Best Colors: Purple; Pink; Blue; Indigo Other Colors: White; Black; Grey Primary Stellar Attribution: Dabih Lesser Stellar Attributions: Algol; Arcturus Machaloth is the obscure demoness who gave birth Aggereth (or Agrat bat Mahlat), the youngest of the Four Brides of Samael who serve as matrons of sacred sexuality. She appears in Qabbalistic demonology as one of the four infernal powers which rival the Kerubs-- specifically, s...

The Goetic Rite of the Chakras

{This ritual calls upon all manner of deities and demons to empower the chakras. Where foreign phrases are usually translated in the ritual script, here the intended effects of each chant or paragraph of chants serves & how it should be used. Read these explanations before pronouncing the chants they explain so you can focus your intent. A pair of non-chakra-related magickal chants are optionally used at the end of the rite. It is best that a strong sacred space be raised if the witch is not experienced} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Salvete Domine Qematriel, Basileus Gothiel, Et Rex Belial-Mortifer! Torzodu Gohed Azoth! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria! [(This Group of Chants Will Initiate the Rite & Clean the Witch's Chakras & Astral Body)] Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchial! Aperiatur Terra, In Nomine Poseidon, Et Germinet Azoth Et Anados! Ambrosius Domine Yamatu, Admirabilis! Shalicu, Characith, Uriens! [(This Series of Chants Calls on Lepaca, Amiahzatan, Baratchi...

Magickal Chants to Qalmana (Luluwa)

Io Qalmana-Lil-U-Wa! "Io" means Hail. Exclaimed to start a rite or calling-upon of Qalmana. Source: V.K. Qalmana Meleketh ha-Gulgatha va-Nogah "Qalmana Queen of Gulgatha and Venus!" Source: V.K. Above: Sigil of Qalmana Designed by John Putigano (When He Was a Satanist) (Yes, that simple design is actually worth two shits. Despite the peculiar simplicity of Putigano's sigils, they contain significant power) Invoco Awan In Nomine Qliphoth "I Call to Awan/Luluwa in the Name of the Qliphoth!" Source: V.K. Malka Ha-Magal Ha-Kavod Va-Mispach "Queen of the Sickle of Abundance and Bloodshed!" Source: V.K. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Laphura "Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Laphura/Luluwa!" Source: V.K. In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Qalmana "In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Qalmana!" Source: V.K. Above: My Original Sigil...

New Magickal Chants

Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, ________, Artorzozam "Forces of the Qliphoth, Children of the Other Side, (WoP for Calling Forth Demons), ____________, (WoP for Calling Forth Demons)!" This chant can be used to call forth any Qliphothic army. Salve Ducis Murmux! "Hail Duke Murmux!" Source: V.K.  Agios Murmux Rex Mormolyceae "Numinous (is) Murmux, King of Ghouls" Source: V.K. Mormo Murmux Matthias-Daimon Magickal chant to Murmur composed of his various names. Drakosophia-Octinomos Liftoach _____________ "May the Current of Adversarial Self-Deification Open ________!" This chant is used to evoke a group of spirits from or attributed to a given location. The blank may be filled with the magickal name for the Planetary Sphere of the Earth (Bapki), the Planetary Sphere of the Moon (Qamar), the Planetary Sphere of the Sun (Shams), the name of any of the Veils before Samael (Chasek, Bohu, or Tohu), or the name of any Qlipha. Drakosophia Li...