Tunnels of Set: Working with the Qliphothic Armies
Just as every pathway between the Qliphothic spheres has its own governing archdemon, there is an order or species of demon attributed to each of the Tunnels of Set. When these "Qliphothic armies" are summoned, a handful of similar-looking spirits will manifest. The 218 Current has adopted and promoted the practice of conjuring these armies as singular entities known as metagods (possibly metaspirits in this case), the intent of the celebrant will likely determine the result. This article will list the names of the "Qliphothic armies" along with their magickal specialties and unique channeled "enns" or summoning chants provided for each. The article will not be listing which army corresponds to which tunnel, or what the esoteric correspondences (tarot, zodiac, etc.) for these armies are, however, the list of sources at the article's end will label which sources provide that information. I had produced and consecrated original sigils for each species (two for Abiriron by accident)-- they're simple and poorly drawn, but so were the sigils in Naos and nobody gave a fuck. They work.
In addition to the channeled summoning chants, I have a few other words of power and chants that are useful in evoking a Qliphothic army:
(i) The magickal formula "Kohot Ha-Qliphoth, Beni Sitra Ahra, Aeonifer, ____________, Artorzozam" can be used to summon any Qliphothic army. The first two phrases translate to "Force of the Qliphoth, Children of the Other Side." A name of the Qliphothic army is to be placed in the blank
(ii) My invented magickal names Aeonifer, Khaosophoros, Semolshedim, Diabalachara, Ala-Mashavah, Xulogos, and Goessabbim can be used as "god names" of any Qliphothic army (as well as of any other demon or group of demons)
(iii) My word of power Artorzozam serves to call forth whichever demon or group of demons is specified by the celebrant's intent.
Look what one of my readers made!
The Species of Fiend
Bahimiron (also Behemiron)
imparting confidence; the attainment of desiderata; empowering the faculties which manifest one's True Will; the unexpected; the attainment of inner power; developing control over emotion; making wishes come true; ascertaining someone else's plans; change; sorcerous workings to regenerate the life-force; changes; initiation into the deeper mysteries of Chavajoth; strange energies; the revelation of unknown information; silencing gossip; the desires of another person; destruction; different variants of force; channeling the methods whereby the Adamas Ater may be acquired through the auspices of lesser-known Qliphothic divinities; the essence of the Black Flame/internal nexion; harsh removals of personal flaws via the precise direction of force into whatever makes these weaknesses most vulnerable; knowledge of magick; the elimination of obstacles or barriers; the orchestration of discord or chaos; abrasive manifestations; the precision of offensive efforts which brutally destroy the enemy by focusing the attack on whichever weakness or vulnerability is greatest; the center of black magickal perception knwon as the Eye of Set whereby Drakosophia manifests; channeling unknown methods whereby Qliphothic forces can be accessed for the sake of alchemical self-transformation; establishing new points of entry for Qliphothic influences into the Cosmos; the awakening of energies; preventing magickal influences/workings from being sensed or discerned; the reanimation of the dead; the augmentation of magickal power; empowering the astral double; the increasement of mental of acuity; the applying logic/rationality
Chant: Rimkathorra Ronkimgallathandra Rimkatha-Ka-Ka-Korra Yongithall
astral projection; sexual experimentation; entering the Qliphoth from within lucid dreams; the incitement of nightmares; dreamwalking; channeling & manipulating prana; psychic vampyrism; understanding your sexual preferences; therionick or atavistic initiation; channeling esoteric approaches to shapeshifting; obtaining night vision; esoteric hydromantic initiation; elucidating hidden threats & opponents; strengthening the intuition; the acquisition of the gift of mediumship; learning to read people; subjecting persons to insanity; harnessing & defending against glamour magick; the creation of egregores/thoughtforms; the DNA of causal life forms; the creation of living things; the revelation of secrets & hidden knowledge; enacting the methods of undoing someone; psychic powers; discovering spies; undermining another magickian's spells; capturing somebody; concealing anything; binding spells; liberation from a problem, issue or circumstance; the confinement of baleful influences; karmic release; invisibility; locating persons; discerning deception; ascertaining truths; emotional intelligence; the emotional state of the celebrant & the ability to control it; introspection
Chant: Rimkatha-Ka-Karra Rimka-Ka-Ka-Korra Linkondrathaggalla Lontimgondritharra
Ba'airiron (also Beiriron or Bairiron)
mirroring anything; sending things; sparking anything; glamour spells; perception & reality; shapeshifting; war; attack; conflict; aggressive spells; victory in combat; triumph over mental & physical weaknesses; acquiring or removing leadership qualities; increasing or removing interpersonal influence; imparting courage; instilling fear; empowerment & concentration of the True Will; removal of impediments to material gain; inducing discord amongst opposing collectives; consecrating/empowering magickal weapons solely for use in baleful magick; balanced power/authority; wisdom; communication; the antichrists who will make themselves known among us; the mysteries of the earth; the mysteries of the Qliphothic regions; inspiring & writing spell designs; empowering with energy; causing manifestation; understanding personal abilities & potential
Chant: Rimkallthaggorra Rimkathorraggalla Rimkimkallathandra Rimkimkallathor
sexual forces; leadership; materialism; night; strength; ambition; death; creation & destruction; initiation; creative power; traversing the Sea of the Dead which stands connected to Nahemoth; initiation into the liberating & heretical mysteries of the Nightside Sabbath; strengthening all rites which call on Azazel or the Seirim; initiation into the mysteries of the Crown of Fire & the Black Halo of the Saintly Ones; use of the evil eye in execration magick; empowering any evocation of demon(s); correctly entering the Devil's Reversed Path of Spirit as expressed by Chavajoth by transcending the Gates of Matter;the Black Banquet of Detaching Indulgence which begets the power to relinquish material obsessions; all things odd, strange, & weird; anomalies; dark side of nature; black magickal mysteries of the Fay; creating thoughtforms/egregores; manifesting into existence; ancient power; manifestations; influencing people; acquiring power over someone; attaining authority; succeeding in matters; overcoming impediments; the creation of facades; the past; the restriction of persons; execration magick; binding spells; banishing; protection; inducing confusion/disorientation via psychic attack; the alteration & increasement of one's abilities in the astral
Chant: Dagdaggathaggar Rinkimgallathor Ronkondrathorrakkalla Linkathorra Linkatharr
pacification of character flaws; pacification of hostile influences; strengthening animalistic aspects of self; inducing & alleviating rage & blood lust; liberation from entrapment; acquiring wealth & abundance; manipulating the illusions of the universe in accordance with personal will and belief; the obsolescence of ideological orthodoxy; nurturing iconoclasm; the rise of countercultures; insurrection & usurpation; political revolution; channeling gnosis & guidance from the Qliphoth; secrets of the Qliphoth; attaining hidden knowledge; dream work; astral projection; inducing magickal storms; creative or destructive workings of draconic magick; multiplication of anything; storage of prana; the ability to sense lost objects; causing damage; attaining & understanding new abilities; attainment of desired things; causing the disappearance or reappearance of things; returning anything
Chant: Addathiggarra Wimkallathaggorra Limkimgallathandra Rimkimgallathor
Shichiriron (also Shechiriron & Schechiriron)
nercomancy; empowering all magickal workings of ligature; magickally controlling the emotions of others; refinement of intuition; becoming impregnable & victorious in battle; conjuration of wealth; warding & shielding; controlling or subduing mundane desires; finding or creating spiritual gateways; protection; unseen issues; culminations of things; ancient magick; recovering what was lost; creating thoughtforms/egregores; weather magick; inducing storms; changing the past; preservation of things; emotional issues; nature magick; the unexpected; total awakening; learning the art of Qliphothic magick; transmitting magickal forces/intent; guidance in the pursuit of Qliphothic magick; expansion of visualization; manipulation of energies; the journey of the Magnum Opus
Chant: Wimkalla Thiggorra Wimkathorra Wimkathandra Rimkithall
Shalehbiron (also Shelhabiron)
attaining charisma; strengthening personal magnetism; accumulating fame, respect, or admiration; subjugation of persons via control of their wills; achieving awakening & empowerment through the power of the Black Sun; initiation into any fire-related mysteries (pyromancy, the element of fire, etc.); attainment of self-control; overcoming personal flaws; becoming fearless in peril; overpowering & dominating opponents; achievement of authoritative position; achievement of physical & spiritual autonomy; self-empowerment via atavism; alchemical endeavors of therionick magick; attunement to instinct; development of strentgh; unifying forces; lusts or desires; the fundaments of demon magick; reaching completion; induction & sustainment of realizations; instinct; strength; the True Will; binding energy to a goal; self-motivation; fulfillment of desire; sex; creation of anything; ego magick; messengers; law of chance; elucidation of matters; stimulation/awakening of energies & other things; accruing power; wish magick; primal energies; understanding or revealing anything
Chant: Taggathorra Rimkathandra Limkathorra Rimkathandra
Tzelilimiron (also Tzalalimiron & Tzelladimiron)
liberation from what holds one back from spiritual attainment; a mental state of cold & focused conniving; fostering evolution via the arousal of strife, turmoil, or conflict; liberation from the interference & influence of the ignorant; liberation from the induced stalemate of our circumstances; initiation into the mysteries of magickal medicines & poisons; proficiency in verbalized deception; magickally inducing love & instigating break-ups; acquiring or experiencing unity with Qliphothic forces for self-empowerment; construction of vampyric thoughtforms/egregores; the orchestrating blessings & curses; telepathy; mind tricks/mind control; influencing thought; travel; sending messages; communication; acquiring information; obtaining grimoires; spell craft; detecting gossip; learning magick; changing things; hastening things
Chant: Taggathathaggorra Limkuthaggalla Limkandrakkorra
Tzaphiriron (also Tzephariron)
transcendental meditation; gnosis of True Will & Higher Self; penetrating outer darkness to discover Inner Light; subjugating & communing with nature spirits; the power to heal; the power to engender malady; liberating those enslaved; isolating or containing persons; emanation or force; giving protection; engineering the concealment of persons or things; healing; purification; engendering sickness; manifesting sickly energy; forcing others to fulfill your desires; healing the energy body; animal magick; altering things; chakra work; containing baleful influences in the interest of safety; bring change to things; hiding something; raising energy; concealing the truth by misinforming people; pathways to the Qliphoth; achieving goals; pursuing enlightenment; the connections between things in magick; finding the attributions/associations of things; awakening internal powers; awakening to the Qliphothic realm; being guided by/acquiring knowledge in the Qliphoth; discerning the strengths and flaws of others; consuming the light in pursuit of dark powers
Chant: Onkallakkathorra Limkakkakkarra Lonkuthuggorra Yimkithall
Abiriron (also Obiriron)
combination of forces; establishment of connections; creation of strife; instigation of arguments; attack against something; capture of thieves; attraction of things; domino effects; sending forces elsewhere; balancing anything; creating something's opposite; screwing people over; causing things to backfire on people; destructive energies; establishing new beginnings; making spells end; drawing energies inward to mold & then direct them; refining & manipulating powers; preventing things from progressing too quickly; destruction of harmful energies; engineering imbalance; breaking the fetters of stagnation; success in criminal endeavors; manipulation of judges & lawyers; imparting physical beauty, strengthening personal magnetism; strengthening vengeful or punitive execrations; protection of criminals; turning the enemy's offensives against them; impeding enemies; exposing conspiracies & falsehoods; the increasement or decreasement of force in order to engender spiritual evolution
Chant: Rimkathaggattorra Rimkathandrakkalla Lonkatorringathorra Rimkathangrarrakkalla Lonkathandra Rimkathorra Lonkithall
Necheshthiron (also Necheshethiron)
execrations afflicting body & soul alike; conjuring wrathful ghosts for execration magick; achieving gnosis into the left-handed mysteries of death; opening the watery gates of the dead that intersect with the Qliphothic Seas of the Nun; hiding or exposing secrets; amplifying spiritual development by abruptly removing the barriers to it; soul-smiting execration magick; engineering liberation via violent upheaval; endeavors of alchemical self-transformation via Qliphothic sorcery; shedding undesired behavior-traits; attaining powers; spiritual development; leaving the past in the past; removing life's problems; restoration magick; triumphing over anything; engendering turmoil; bringing things to their end or death; obtaining important information; gaining draconic gnosis; guidance on the path of alchemical self-empowerment; guidance regarding the Qliphoth; transformation; spreading fear; intimidation; the dead; recreating things; banishing; reflecting anything; bringing something to an end; bedeviling persons into states of infatuation/obsession; spiritual abilities; invisibility; hiding anything; changing something; research; secrets; hidden knowledge; destruction; shadowmancy/shadow magick; necromancy; night magick; death magick; astral magick; understanding how things changed; forcing your spells to manifest
Chant: Wimkathandra Linkathaggakkorra Lontorrengethalla Lonkondrathorraggallathoth Onkathandra-COOL
Necheshiron (also Nachashiron)
turning impending defeat to victory; obfuscating and manipulating one's accusers; escaping from enemies or prison; great monetary gain; great spiritual attainment; obtaining hidden gnosis & secret powers; acquiring hidden treasure; imparting fertility, vitality, bareness, or impotence; lycanthropic alchemy; magickal self-empowerment; taming the Night-Mare; gnosis of the Kundalini; channeling hidden methods of Kundalini work; arousing the Kundalini; alchemical transmutation; shapeshifting; transforming from one thing to another; development or progression; causing manifestation; counterattacks; bringing the best or worst out of anything; inciting passion; gaining strength; supporting one's concentration; begetting balance; dominion over tempests & warfare; comprehension of Sitra Ahra; working with draconic entities; authority over the dead; magickal self-deification; causing something to grow; expanding an issues; astral projection; dream work; prophecy; learning new magick; assistance with energy manipulation; the movement of a thing; freedom; learning astrology & tarot; the manipulation of something; cosmic magick; acquiring knowledge; remote viewing; exposing or perceiving the truth of an issue; justice; order; the flame of inspiration; enticing the uninitiated; the effort of initiating neophytes
Chant: Onkakkathorra Lonkatharra Rimkathorra Lindratharra Lonjithalla Lonkattorra
The Book of Sitra Achra
(see this text for attributions to incenses, elements, planets, dates, & more)
(see hyperlink above for attributions to the Zodiac, Tarot, & Tunnels of Set)
(see hyperlink above for Zodiac, dates, colors, & appearances)
(see hyperlink above for variations in appearance)
Maybe you written it somewhere already but I did not found it out, so... where are the chants about fiend-species from?
ReplyDeleteThey were channeled.
ReplyDeleteOk that's the best source ever.
ReplyDeleteOnly another question: were they channeled from the entities themselves (the wtelve species I mean) or were any other entity involved as guardian or helper?
One demon gave me all of them. He's not in the grimoires and I keep his name private.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to trick you into endorsing my personal view of life, that's why I keep making questions: affiliation of this demon?
ReplyDeleteTunnels of Set/Qliphoth?
In my personal experience they are not necessarily friends among them. Hope not to bother you, feel free not to answer me
Always the Qliphoth.
ReplyDeleteOk, thanks, sincerely.
ReplyDeleteGood Winter Solstice VK
[…] If the witch would like to incorporate a conjuration of the Qliphothic army attributed to the Tunnel(s) of Set she is contacting, she may incorporate the respective channeled summoning chant after step two. https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/tunnels-of-set-working-with-the-qliphothic-armies/ […]
ReplyDelete[…] If you would like to pursue Qliphothic self-initiation in the future but think you should be more experienced before you try it, I have good news. The spirits, energies, power, etc. of every Qliphothic sphere can be called upon without engendering a sphere initiation. The more you work with these spheres, the more accessible they will be when you do pursue sphere initiations. I have advised black magickal neophytes to recite one of my magickal hymns to the Infernal Divine with the intent of self-empowerment so as to develop an energetic rapport with the foremost divinities of demon magick. I have one short magickal hymn which calls upon the entirety of the Infernal Divine that salutes each Qliphothic sphere individually (first hyperlink) and a long hymn to the 22 ruling demons of the Tunnels of Set (second hyperlink). Regular or occasional use of these hymns will make your future workings of Qliphothic initiation far, far easier. I have sigils, chants, and lists of magickal specialties for the demonic species or “Qliphothic armies” specific to particular Tunnels of Set (third hyperlink), and I think you’ll find them astoundingly useful. Workings to them will also pay off when you start up pathworkings. https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2017/12/19/magickal-hymn-unto-demonic-divinities/ https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2017/11/28/magickal-hymn-to-the-tunnels-of-set/ https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/tunnels-of-set-working-with-the-qliphothic-armies/ […]
ReplyDelete[…] For magickal chants which call on one of the ToS’s archdemons individually, see the articles in the Demonology & Paganism section of my website, accessible through the menu. I have channeled magickal chants for each specific Qliphothic army in the article which describes the specific attributes of each group. The hyperlink below will bring the reader to that article, and this article will go on to provide chants for calling forth any Qliphothic Army. https://vkjehannum.wordpress.com/2017/12/04/tunnels-of-set-working-with-the-qliphothic-armies/ […]
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!