Magickal Hymn to Integrate the Alternate Self
This magickal hymn calls upon Amducious, Shax, Behemoth, Unsere, Tezrian, and the Necheshthiron/Necheshethiron to help the celebrant integrate her Alternate Self/Shadow. In Nomine Amducious Et In Nomine Shass, Scox, Shax Ergo Krimgathara-Haeathora Pervenite Behemoth Et Unsere Shalicu, Necheshethiron Voco Te Mater Tezrian In Nomine Drakosophia, Ergo Tenebris Et Kraeathal [In the Name of Amducious/And in the Name of (Three Names for Shax)/ I am (Two Channeled Names for the Shadow which May Be Used as Words of Power to Integrate the Shadow)/ Come, Behemoth and Unsere/ Shalicu, Necheshethiron/ I Call to You, Mother Tezrian/ In the Name of the Underlying Force(s) of All Demon Magick/ I am Darkness and (Channeled Name for the Shadow Which Can Be Used as a Word of Power to Integrate the Shadow)] Pronunciation: Haeathora (HAY-UH-THOR-UH); Kraeathal (cray-UH-thawl) -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia