
Showing posts from May, 2016

Focalor/Forcalor (Goetia #41)

Alternate names: Focalor, Furcarlor, Forcalor Legions: 30 Element: Water; Air Color: Green Incense: Sandalwood Rank: Duke Date: Feb 9-13; May 1-10; April 30-May 9 Zodiac: Aquarius 20-24; Taurus 10-20 D/N: Nocturnal Tarot: Six of Pentacles/Disks Planet: Venus Gematria: 342 Metal: Copper Enn: En Jedan on ca Focalor Focalor imparts sorcerous power and divinatory adroitness, and he enhances the witch’s ability to see into the future in visions and dreams. Furfur teaches the witch to suspect oncoming events. Art Source: Focalor can further whatever manner of alchemical self-transformation the witch has already undertaken, and he teaches the witch to ignore the negative opinions of others and avoid paranoia. Focalor can destroy, drown, and otherwise murder targets. Focalor has power over the winds and seas. According to Rufus Opus, Focalor is a “good spirit to be friends with if you're in the military, especially the Navy...

Furfur (Goetia #34)

Names: Furtur, Furfur Sacred Numbers: 13, 29, 28, 12, 11, 1 Colors: Red, Silver, Pink, Black Rank: Earl Date: Feb 19-29; Sept 8-12; March 30-April 12 Zodiac: Virgo 15-20; Pisces 0-10; Aries 10-14 Tarot: 9 of Pentacles/Disks; 8 of Cups Element: Fire; Water; Earth Enn: Ganen Menach Tasa Furfur D/N: Diurnal Legions: 26 Gematria: 572 Primary Attributed Qliphas: Thagirion; Satariel Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: Samael Lesser Qliphothic Attributions: Golachab; Gamaliel; Ghagiel Trans-Sephirothic Veil: Spirit is Attributed to All 3 Primary Planetary Attributions: Mars; Saturn Lesser Planetary Attributions: Uranus; Earth; the Black Moon Specialties in Non-Qliphothic Sphereworkings: Bapki; Falak Al-Aflak Compass (From Most to Least Attributed): Southeast; Southwest; East; West Attributed Substances: Copper, Silver, Lead, Iron, Dragon's Blood, Cypress Above: GAR or G.A. Rosenberg's Empowered Depiction of Furfur According to someone named High Priest Joseph, "[Furfur] was the mos...

So, What is Satanism?

The religion of Satanism represents arguably the largest Left Hand Path movement in the West. The "Left Hand Path" is an umbrella term referring to counter-culture religions. "Sinister" and "Sinistral" are the descriptive adjectives applied to religions to indicate that they are of the Left Hand Path, as "Sinister" is etymologically descended from a word meaning "left" and "Sinistral" means "left-handed." The practitioners of Sinistral religions are referred to with another umbrella term-- "the Black Lodge"-- whereas the adherents to mainstream religion are called "the White Lodge." -- The religion of Satanism prioritizes the individual judgment of the witch. The Satanist does not have faith, but rather believes in whatever she happens to think is true. While many Sinistral texts are available to the Satanist, none of them are holy writ and none of them aspire to be dogma. A post in a thread ...

Raum (Goetia #40)

Names: Raum, Raim, Raym Rank: Earl or Count D/N: Nocturnal Magickal Numbers: 37, 45 Zodiac: Taurus 0-10 Date: April 21-30; Oct. 8-12 Gematria: 247, 310, 807 Path: 16/Vau/Taurus Color: Red, Yellow, Blue, White, Purple, Grey Element: Air, Fire Tarot: 5 of Pentacles/Disks Legions: 30 Attributed Substances/Ingredients: Dragon's Blood, Iron, Silver, Copper, Celandine, Calendula, Buckthorn Primary Qliphothic Attributions: Nahemoth; Thagirion Lesser Qliphothic Attributions: Satariel; Golachab Trans-Sephirothic Veils: Spirit is Attributed to All 3 Primary Planetary Attributions: Uranus; Saturn; Neptune Lesser Planetary Attributions: Mars; Jupiter; Venus; Pluto Attributions to the Black Planets (From Most to Least Attributed): the Black Earth; the Black Moon; the Black Sun Above: Raum's traditional manifestation as a crow as drawn by G.A. Rosenberg Raum pilfers the belongings of the wealthy, incites love, causes the downfall of the target, aids in legal battles, and imparts endurance an...

Getting the Most out of Chakra Meditation

What follows is a list of ways in which you can make your chakra meditations more effective. One: Perform Them in Nature. You will find that nature has an expansive effect on spiritual endeavors. Two: Cast a Circle Sacred space of any kind will augment the efficacy of meditations performed within it. Three: Bring a Friend If you meditate on one particular chakra within the vicinity of another person meditating on the same chakra, both participants reap increased rewards. Four: Visualize the Chakra(s) as Clearly and Consistently as Possible Not only does this make the meditation more effective and improve concentration, continuous visualization is a powerful method of strengthening your astral sight. Five: Use the Sowilo Rune The Sowilo rune is useful for the empowerment of any chakra. Draw this on yourself, focusing on the intent of increasing the effects of the meditation which follows. Visualize the symbol shining brilliantly as you do this. -V.K. Jehannum

A Treatise on a Blacker Theism

What should become clear to the Satanist is that the finer points of theology are not of primary import. The raison d'etre of Satanism is the increase of personal agency through spiritual, intellectual, and corporeal self-empowerment. So long as the Satanist pursues evolution, he is looked upon fondly by the Devil. So all of this is of secondary import. The first postulation to be addressed is the concept that this or that spirit is merely a manifestation of some archetype. This line of thought will be referred to as "archetheism." Archetheism is the basis upon which Michael W. Ford equated Kali, Hecate, Az, Jeh, and Lilith-- they are all manifestations of the 'Sinister feminine' ergo they should not be viewed as individuals. But there is no such thing as a "Sinister feminine" because that's not how archetypes work. Here's an example of a legitimate archetype: the heroic outcast who defends the very ones who shun him. The adjectives "evil...

Improving the Psychic Senses

First thing's first: unlocking the psychic centers. While I am certainly aware that the JoS Ministries are a bountiful wellspring of faggotry, their meditations are top notch. Let me show you what I mean. The mantra "Sowilo" [SOW-vee-LOW] is useful for any chakra. It's the name of a Norse rune.  -- Two: Strengthening the Acausal Nucleus. This is the Black Flame, the Divine Spark, the source of your psychic senses, magickal potential, and even your capacity for self-determination and individuality. Stare at your reflection in the mirror and focus on that point between your eyebrows.This alone will do wonders for your astral sight, but this next step will be good for all of your senses. Use the mantra "Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Lucifer" which calls upon Satanas-Luciferi to strengthen your Acausal Nucleus.  -- Three: Being full...

Leave Your Energies Unbanished

One of the central concepts of Sinister magick is that the energies raised via ritual should not be banished, but rather, should be allowed to accumulate from ceremony to ceremony. When a ritual chamber is permanently saturated with infernal energies, evocations become much more easy and potent within it, and the magickal rituals essayed therein become more and more powerful from rite to rite. The witch will thus create, in essence, a permanent "sacred space." In the Vampire Ritual Book , Michelle Bellenger wrote the following: "Within the confines of sacred space, ordinary reality is heightened and refined so that it may come more completely into contact with the realm of spirit. Ritual establishes sacred space as a crossing-over point between the spiritual and the mundane so that the participants can move beyond the confines of ordinary reality." And she continues: "Sacred space improves the quality of energy in an area, and maintaining a constant presence ...

Invocation of Odin

Invocation of Odin

Alchemy via Invocation

Select a deity, daeva, demon, or such whose personality encompasses traits that you lack. Sketch the sigil(s) of this being or create your own, and carry them on your person as much as possible. For the first invocation, you will want to become quite intoxicated. Hereafter, vibrate all of the deity's names which your intuition brings to your attention as you gaze upon the sigil. Then perform an invocation of the deity-- any invocation. It can be of your own invention or of the invention of any LHP author whose writing you like. It is best to play music by the Deverill's Nexion (Youtube: MMP temple) as you perform the invocation. Now sit in meditation propped up against a wall with a pillow between your back and it. Imagine that you are standing outside of your body and staring at yourself, as you would when attempting astral projection. But, imagine that the physical body of yourself which you are looking at resembles entirely the physical appearance of the demon you invoked. L...

Psychic Vampyrism

Vampyrism is the art of feeding upon the life essence of fellow organisms. The Psychic Vampyre feeds not upon the blood of the flesh but the blood of the soul. This is the prana, the chi, the ki, the “blood essence,” as some authors call it. For the sake of these writings, we will operate on the New Age consensus that all of these terms are synonymous. There are people who are intrinsically blessed with the necessity for Vampyric feeding. These people require prana, blood, or both from other beings by their very natures—they have a specific kind of soul. Naturally, Psychic Vampyres are more common than Sanguine ones. Psychic Vampyrism differs from the consumption of blood in that anyone can benefit from Psychic Vampyrism. Humans naturally cycle energy in from their environment and back out into their environment in a process similar to respiration. If one deliberately takes in prana from other people instead of their surroundings, they will lead an enhanced quality of life. You do not ...

Quick Meditation for Spiritual Power

(This ritual is to be performed in front of a mirror and it calls on Azathoth/Atazoth to empower the Black Flame of the witch. Start the ritual by speaking the paragraph in quotes.) "I call now upon the Abyssal Monarch of the Acausal Black Throne at the Heart of the Void so that I might be transformed. Atazoth, I call upon you to strengthen the nucleus of aetheric energy which elevates my inner nature and imparts my potential for godhood." (Stare in the mirror at the point on your foreheard between your eyebrows and vibrate the name “Atazoth” nine times)

Black Flame, Divine Spark

The fifth point on the pentagram, whether it points upward or downward, symbolizes the fifth element which binds the other four together. This element is called spiritus, ether, azoth, akasha, etc. My experimentations with djinnic sorcery have led to the conclusion that the "smokeless flame," described by Quran as "the blackest parts" of the flame, which they were created from is also this azoth or ether. The fifth element is the only one of the five elements which originated from outside of the Cosmos-- the only element that is primordial and acausal. The nucleus of spiritual energy which makes humanity capable of sorcery and psychic powers is made of this energy. This nucleus has various names: the Dragon, the Black Flame, and the Divine Spark constitute a few of the most common. Whether the Dragon is a Divine Spark or a Black Flame depends upon the intent of the witch, and do not be mistaken, the witch can seek a balance between extremes. One powerful mantra for ...

Haures/Flereous (Goetia #64)

Element: Fire, Air, Earth Legions: 20 or 36 Tarot: 6 of Swords; 2 of Pentacles/Disks Gematria: 380 D/N: Nocturnal Color: Green, Purple, Orange, Red Direction: South Planet: Venus, Mercury Date: Dec 22-31; Feb 4-8; June; Summer; June 21st Zodiac: Aquarius 15-19; Capricorn 0-10 Rank: Duke Path: Ayin Primary Qlipha: Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphegor) Secondary Qlipha: Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus) Attributed Ingredients & Substances: Dragon's Blood, Mercury, Copper, Sage, Sandalwood, Rue, Red Sandalwood, Arnica, Copal, Sage, Scullcap Above: Depiction of Haures/Flereous by G.A. Rosenberg. Flereous appears in Traditional Demonolatry as one of the Nine Demonic Divinities. Conolly describes the demon as typifying the perfect balance of physical, mental, and spiritual consciousness. Despite having obscure lesser attributions to earth and air, Flereous rightfully appears in the spellwork of Demonlaters are the cardinal demonic elemental of fire. S. Conolly describes Flereous as or attributed Fl...

Andras (Goetia #63)

Rank: Marquis Zodiac: Aquarius 0-15; Sagittarius 20-30; Capricorn 25-29 Date: Jan 30-Feb 3; Dec 12-21; Jan 16-19 Direction: East Tarot: 10 of Wands/Rods; 6 of Swords Color: Black, Red, Teal, Orange, Violet Planet: Moon, Pluto, Mars, Sun Animal: Hellhound/Wolf Stones: Fire Agate, Black Tourmaline, Meteorite, Obsidian Element: Fire, Air Legions: 30 or 86 Gematria: 255, 556 D/N: Nocturnal Trans-Sephirothic Veil: All Tree (Ain, Ain Soph, & Ain Soph Aur) Sacred Numbers: 16, 9, 21, 32, 30 Primary Qlipha: Goloheb (Mars/Asmodeus) Secondary Qlipha: A'areb Zaraq (Venus/Bael) Attributed Ingredients & Substances: Cayenne Pepper, Violet, Iron, Silver, Jasmine, Dragon's Blood, Amber, Knot Weed, Mustard Seed, Patchouli Enn: Entay ama Andras anay Above: Pathworking Artwork to Andras by G.A. Rosenberg Andras originated in Zoroasrtian demonology as a daeva-- an emissary of Ahriman, the hypostasis of Druj [Evil, Destruction, Self-Determination, Witchcraft]. He was one of the highest ranke...

Satan Cannot be Defined as Primordial Evil

"The Devil is primordial Evil, the Heart of Chaos Who is eternal. He was and He will be. The j.c. conception is just one of many human concepts; it will be destroyed as all human concepts will be. You can find the Devil’s shadow in every human religion, because everyone knows that Evil exists. It’s not evil of people who all will die. It’s Eternal Evil that will destroy the Universe." This quote has circulated Facebook a bit, but I believe the progenitor of the quote is an independent anti-cosmic Satanist whose Facebook name is Sommer Burtis. Let us lay out the various suppositions presented within the paragraph and examine their veracity. One: The Devil is Primordial Evil Good and evil are causal illusions erected by humans for the practical purpose of laying the groundwork for productive human interaction. Humans depend upon society (other people) for their survival, and human collocation can only be advantageous if the members of the group do not trespass against one anoth...

On Deities who "Claim" to Have Created the Earth

Preface I: my guiding spirits told me that multiple deities came together to create the Cosmos. Preface II: when I present gnosis of that nature, I do not expect immediate belief or even belief at all, unless I have given you some damn good reasons to trust me. Just remember what I said and put it in the "maybe" column until you get some confirmation from other spirits. I talked with Molock about a week ago and asked him to tell me about himself. He said "I am the god of the Black Sun," "I am the lord of the deep sea," and more things of that nature. Molock knew that I knew that he wasn't the only deity who held dominion over the Black Sun, and he wasn't trying to convince me otherwise. Belphegor, Lucifage, and Satan also share that correspondence. I would posit that, in general, if a deity says "I am the creator of this earth," that deity probably isn't trying to trick you into thinking it was the sole creator. That's just the wa...

Tanninsam and Leviathan

Satan and Lilith both have primordial-draconic-oceanic aspects which rule over "pride." Both of their serpentine-Khaotic aspects can be called Leviathan or Chaosifer [Chaos-Bearer]. Satan as a Leviathan has been called "Theli" and "Tannin", while Lilith as Leviathan has been called Tanninsam.  -- Apocryphal myths disagree on whether Yahweh was fighting either one or two Leviathans before the world was created. These skirmishes are written to have occurred in a primordial ocean called "Tehom" or "Tehomoth", meaning "Depth" or "Depths" in Hebrew. The story goes that Yahweh defeated them and mutilated their genitals so that they could never reproduce.  -- The idea of there being an limitless ocean before the world was created is prevalent throughout world religion. The Norse called it Ginnungagap, the Greeks called it Khaos, the Egyptians called it Nu or Nun, the Mesopotamians personified it as Tiamat and Absu, and the ...

Using the Nazi Swastika in Satanism

The original swastika, called a "fylfot" or "fylfat" in Old English, was used in the religions of countless cultures as an auspicious symbol. The fylfot has various different connotations amongst different groups. To some, it symbolized the power of the Aesir. To others, it symbolizes Kether. Others attribute it to the sun, Thor's thunderous hammer, submission to divine providence, Yahweh, etc. A celestial theme develops. The Nazis' variate of the swastika symbolized, in the words of Hitler, "the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work." Furthermore, it symbolized, according to the same man, "the creative, effecting life." Lastly, Hitler said that the Nazi swastika, called often a Hakenkreuz [hook cross], was a sign of the Aryan race, this being any Caucasian of non-Jewish descent. "In the vastness of space Thor is Trudgalmer (sound of Thor), the susta...

Lucifer is Never Sometimes Always Satan

I don't think I need to tell you that the appearance of the word "Lucifer" in the Bible referred to a king named Nebuchadnezzar, not the Devil. Lucifer, as well as Nocturnus, Helel, Noctifer, etc. are just some of the many titles given to the "Morning Star" (which turned out to be planet Venus). The comparison of Nebuchadnezzar to that "star" was simply an illustration of his former glory: "Nebuchadnezzar, you were once the bomb dot com, but then you fucked up." Ergo, the oral tradition of an Angel named Lucifer attaining the title of Satan after He rebelled is simply neo-Christian folklore. The Islamic equivalent of this tradition gives Iblis/Shaitan the name "Azazel" before His rebellion. Nonetheless, it is very clear to me that the title Lucifer is applicable to Satan. You may be aware that "ha-Satan" used to be a common noun, as opposed to a name signifying one particular entity. It just means "the Adversary"...

Chavajoth: the Lords of Hell

The Azerate are the eleven Deities of the Qliphoth (Hell), whom the Book of Sitra Ahra refers to as El Acher [the Other God] in the amalgamate; another name for Them is HVHI/HVHY, as They are viewed as the direct opposite of Yahweh. With that said, the oldest and most traditional amalgamate name for these Spirits is Chavajoth or Havayoth, which is a name created by reversing the letters of a Hebrew name for Elohim. The Azerate are Deities in Their own right. They are far more than antitheses and they have agendas beyond their enmity with Yahweh. For too long, Chavajoth was assumed, in classical occult literature, to be merely the opposite of the Judao-Christian deity. In the old writings of the Right Hand, it was even claimed that Chavajoth had a physical body on the grounds that El Acher was the inversion of Yahweh, who did not have a physical body. It is preposterous to think that Satan, Adrammelech, and Ishtar have physical forms-- especially that They share one! I do not acknowled...

The Seven Major Chakras

The Chakras are akin to the vital organs of the soul and each of them is associated with various spiritual powers as well as desirable personality traits. Once the chakras are opened, they serve as powerful gateways to self-transformation. While some of you should only open one chakra every week, some of you can manage one every three days. Some people can open more than one a day, and I know a female who opened all seven on day one. If you are able to meditate in nature or willing to smoke marijuana prior to meditation, you will experience much more rapid success. The aforementioned girl was stoned out of her fucking mind, and she was meditating alongside my covenmate and I. The first chakra, called Muladhara or the Base Chakra, is crimson and resides at the base of the spine. This chakra is associated with survival instincts, ambition, physical identity, autonomy, general physical well-being, level-headedness, and our connexion to telluric energies. The mantra I would recommend for o...

Ritual Kit for Beginning Satanists

For the longest time, I had little to no equipment to work my rituals with and I completely lacked magickal partners. I’m talking about the days before I had converted 10 different people into Satanic vampyres who followed my instructions as provided, most of whom have progressed to no longer need my instruction at all. You don’t need a large amount of causal equipment to work effective magick. The true key to spiritual attainment lies in preparation-- both in terms of research and practice. So let’s go over the must haves for equipment. One: Blade. This can be anything from a dope sword to a pocket knife. A hunting knife or a steak knife will suffice. This is used to direct the energy and shape various symbols in the air, such as the ZD sigil of demonolatry, linked below. I use that symbol any time I move to call upon Infernal entities, invocation or otherwise. A wand or stick can be used instead. If you really can’t use any of these items, it is...

Beleth (Goetia #13)

Alternate Name Versions: Bileth, Byleth, Bilet Rank: King; Duke Color: Yellow; Red Zodiac: Leo 5-9; Gemini 0-4 D/N: Diurnal Sacred Numbers: 28; 8 Planet: Sun; Mercury Tarot: 8 of Swords Compass: Southwest (Primary); West Element: Earth; Air Date: July 22-Aug 1; May 21-May 25 Qliphothic Sphere: Golachab (Mars/Asmodeus) Trans-Qliphothic Attributions: Vaults of Zin; Chasek Trans-Sephirothic Veils: All Three (Ain, Ain Soph, & Ain Soph Aur) Non-Qliphothic Sphere: Falak Al-Aflak [the Primary of the Spheres] Attributed Ingredients/Substances: Gold, Dill, Frankincense, Dogwood Bark, Juniper, Cumin, Orange Peel, Mercury Enn: Lirach Tasa Vefa Wehlic Beleth Above: Beleth as depicted by G.A. Rosenberg (the Goetic artwork by Rosenberg is made for visual pathworking or use as altar pieces in ritual; while not everyone will like their appearance, they hold power regardless) Beleth, being a demoness of storms, is one of many demons who will alternate between genders on occasion. Her female aspect ...

Invocation of Abzu

(Face the West if possible. The names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations appear in brackets) I call upon the Viperous Beast of the Primal Sea who is known to man as Absu, the Aquatic God-King of Chaos and Darkness! It is my Will to invocate the Dragon who begot the Drinkers of Blood! Answer unto ancient names: ENGUR + ABZU + ZIGARUN + APHSON + RISHTU + ABSU + APASON + APZU + ENGURRU + APSU Arise, Tenebrous Serpent, for through your influence I will ascend as a god. Arise within the initiate as the Omnificent Father of Dragons and Vampyres. Aperiatur Tehomoth, et germinet Apason! [Latin: Open the Depths, and bring forth Apsu!] Sar Isten Asba! Abum Labiru! Lalartu Akhkharun! Sharur Xul! Sar Nuru Salmu! Abi Immaru Etu! Isten Irkalli! [Spoken Cuneiform: King of the First Darkness! Ancient Father! Spectre of a Vampyre! Malevolent Hunter! King of the Black Light! Father of the Brilliant Darkness! First of the Underworld!] Chaotic Harbinger of Malevolence and Disarray! Gigum Limnu! En A...


Name Variates: Agalierap, Agalierept, Agalieraps, Agaliarept, Agaliareps Colors: Pink, Indigo, Yellow, Green Serves Under: Lucifer Subordinates: Buer, Gusoyn, Botis, Elelogap Rank: Commander of the Second Legion; Second Deputy Under Lucifer; Assistant Grand General; General of Hell; Chief of the Secret Police Sacred Numbers: 27; 10 D/N: Mostly Nocturnal Dominion: Australia, Europe, Asia Incense: Cinquefoil, Mullein, Cinnamon, Sage, Rue Trans-Sephirothic Veil: All Three (Ain, Ain Soph, & Ain Soph Aur) Trans-Qliphothic Veil: All Three (Tohu, Bohu, & Chasek) Compass: West (Primary); Northeast Primary Qlipha: Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphegor) Secondary Qlipha: Sathariel (Saturn/Lucifuge) Planetary Attributions (From Most to Least Attributed): Saturn; Earth; Jupiter Lesser Planetary Attributions: Venus; Neptune; Mars It is written that Agaliarept has power over both the past and the future. He has the power to discover all secrets– particularly the occult properties of metals and the ...

Zepar (Goetia #16)

Names: Zepar; Zephar; Separ Legions: 26 Element: Earth; Air Color: Green, Yellow, Orange, Indigo, White, Black Rank: Duke Gematria: 287; 288 Sacred Numbers: 9, 11, 27, 32 Date: Autumn Equinox; June 6-10; Aug 23-Sep 1 Zodiac: Virgo 1-10; Gemini 15-19 D/N: Both Nocturnal & Diurnal* Tarot: 8 of Discs/Pentacles; 9 of Swords Primary Qlipha: Thagirion (Black Sun/Belphegor) Secondary Qlipha: Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck) Trans-Sephirothic Veil: Ain Soph Aur Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Bohu Planet: Venus; Earth; Mars Attributions: Hazel, Copper, Sandlewood, Mandrake, Black Mustard *This postulation of mine contradicts the traditional consensus that Zepar is a diurnal spirit. My gnosis is that he is equally diurnal and nocturnal. Above: Zepar Artwork for Pathworking Zepar is the Goetic Grand Duke who imparts fertility and mental self-transformation. He’s connected to planet Venus and the element of earth. He begets seduction, sexual perversion, love, pederasty, and affection. He can engender both ...


Tunnel of Set: (Thagirion-Gashkelah) Flower of Tunnel: Narcissus Tarot of Tunnel: the Hermit Disease of Tunnel: Paralysis Force of Tunnel: Virile Force; Reserved Karezza Ordeal of Tunnel: Death in Life Siddihi of Tunnel: Parthenogenesis Musical Key of Tunnel: F Zodiac of Tunnel: Virgo Sex Act of Tunnel: Mutual Masturbation Hebrew Letter of Tunnel: Yod Color of Tunnel: Slate & Yellowish Green Color of Spirit: Purple Gematria: 131, 134, 204 Qlipha of Spirit: Satariel (Saturn/Lucifage) Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek Non-Qliphothic Attribution: the Sphere of the Moon Primary Planet of Spirit: Black Earth Lesser Planetary Attributions: Pluto; Neptune D/N: the Spirit is Mostly Nocturnal Element of Spirit: Air (Primary); Water Sacred Numbers of Spirit: 21, 6, 11, 14, 16 Direction of Spirit: Northeast (Primary); Southeast (Secondary); East (Tertiary) "Yamatu" literally translates from Hebrew to English as "Scratchers". It is often the case that the plural form of a Hebre...