
Showing posts from June, 2018

Invocation of Klepoth

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Io Gashar-Abyllo-Kresh! [Numinous is Alchemical Endeavor and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail, Hail the Abyss] Warrikorr + Marritorr + Mathaggor + Raggathor + Authakor + Laggathor + Lorrittiggal + Mattorrall + Karrital + Warrikorr + Marrittiggarra [(Channeled Secret Names for Klepoth)] Amplaudate Amplus Kepoth! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Klepoth! Adoro Te Klepta, Pentrale Ex Mavethol! Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth– Excieo Kleppoth! Salve Klepta Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola! Agios Es, Kepoth, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [I Praise the Powerful/Great Kepoth! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Klepoth! I Adore You, Klepta, Spirit of the Nightside! I Call the Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth-- I Call Kleppoth! Hail Klepta, Great Emissary of the Sinister Left Side! Numinous Art Thou, Kepoth, Deity and Shapeshifter] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Klepoth (x6) [(Demonic Enn to Invoke Klepoth)] Larriggal, Klepta, Kepoth (x11) [(Three Names for Klepoth)] Hanthigg...

Invocation of Ziz

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Dominator Ziz Khaosophoros! [Numinous is Octinomos-Drakosophia! Hail Lord Ziz, Bearer of Chaos] Ziz + Renanin + Bariuchne + Ziz Saday + Sekwi Advoco Ziz-Aeonifer Erus Sitra De-Smola! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Sagax Coelestis Renanin Gloria! Devoco Ziz, Seminator Alogos, Et Aedifex Aeva Et Azoth! Adoro Te Domine Ziz! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Bariuchne! Induperator Est Sekwi Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Sagax Coelestis Ziz Saday Gloria! Agios Es, Ziz, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [I Call Ziz, Harbinger of Aeonic Progression, Lord of the Infernal Plane! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Renanin! I Call Ziz, Father of the Unwritten Gnosis, and Father of Birds and the Astral Light! I Adore You, Lord Ziz! I Praise the Eternal Spirit Bariuchne! Lord is Sekwi over the Infernal Plane! Glory to the Wise and Eternal Ziz Saday! Numinous Art Thou, Ziz, Deity and Shapeshifter] Obveni Ziz, Exorna Xul, Aperi Sitra Achara (x9) [Come, Ziz, Provide the Black Light of t...

Invocation of Paimon

This ritual uses magickal chants from  The Complete Book of Demonolatry by S. Conolly and The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp, two books I recommend very highly, alongside Enochian. Words, names, and phrases which appear in bold are to be vibrated, phrases in italics are to be chanted, translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Ave Paimon Rex Pandemonium! [Numinous is the Alchemical Pursuit and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail Unto Paimon, King of Pandemonium] Val-Don-Graph + Radralkimiyah + Paimonia + Tiyd Hakabod + Radrashemmal + Abiyr Qliphoth + Val-Don-Un + Paymon + Melek ha-Gadhol + Linan Tasa Jedan Paimon + Melus De Quo Magma [(Vibratory Formula Consists Full of Useful Word Things for Invoking Paymon)] Salve Paymon Rex Occidentalium! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Paymon! Sagax Coelestis Paymon Gloria! Agios Es, Paymon, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Induperator Est Paymon Etiam Reshut Ha-R...

Chants to Open Any Qliphothic Sphere

Drakosophia Liftoach (Name of Qlipha) “The Underlying Force of All Demon Magick Shall Open (Name of Qlipha)!” Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach (Name of Qlipha), Sitra Ahra Gloria “Hail the Sinsiter Left Side, the Current of the Adversary Shall Open (Name of Qlipha), Glory to the Infernal Plane!” Flereous-Havres Sa Gohed Othiel Iolcam (Name of Qlipha) "Flereous-Havres and Everlasting Othiel/A'athiel, Bring Forth (Name of Qlipha)!" Triodathannis Liftoach (Name of Qlipha)-- Belial, Lucifer, Hecate "Trident of Atlantis, Open (Name of Qlipha)-- Belial, Lucifer, Hecate!" Liftoach Shaari (Name of Qlipha) B’Shem Ha-Astaroth Va-Satanas "Open the Gate to (Name of Qlipha) in the Name of Astaroth and Satanas!" Drakosophia-Octinomos Liftoach (Name of Qlipha) "Drakosophia-Octinomos, Open (Name of Qlipha)!" Unlike the Chants Above, this Chant Presences (Evokes) the Spirits which Inhabit the Named Qlipha, Rather than Opening the Qlipha Itself. V.K. Je...

Invocation of Alfpunias

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Salve Pernicosus Domine Alefpene’ash! Ave Imperiosus Gurigur Lar Acharayim! Ornate Zusigethon-Alfpunias Deus Ab Mavethol! Imperator Est Gurigur Etiam Golachab! Adlaudate Zusigethon-- Agios o Gurigur! Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Arcesso She-Ein Bo Mashavah– Megist Pyros De Phosophorsophia! [Numinous is the Alchemical Journey and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! Hail to the Baleful Lord Alefpene'ash! Hail, Mighty Gurigur, Deity of the Backwards Tree! I Praise Zusigethon-Alfpunias, Deity of the Nightside! Gurigur is Lord over the Martian Qlipha! I Praise Zusigethon-- Numinous is Gurigur! Provide the Poison, Fifth Element, Unwritten Gnosis, and the Black Light! I Call for the Black Light-- the Great Fire of the Black Flame] Zusigethon + Alfpunias + Rimkalathoth + Kortoragoth + Mimkathagal + Rimkoratal + Yarakalatoth + Gurigur [(Formula Composed of Names for Alfpunias)] Rikkattorraggallittal Yakkattorriggon Ayatallaggallathor ...

New Chants for Goetic Demonolatry

Agios Es, Exitialis Domnus Zagam "Numinous Art Thou, Destructive Lord Zagam!" Amplaudate Bathin, Antitheus Ab Gamaliel "I Praise Bathin, Devil of Gamaliel!" Salve Allocer Magnus Duellator Ab Sitra Ahra "Hail Allocer, Great Warrior of the Other Side!" Agios Pernimius Dantalian "Numinous (is) the Great Dantalian!" Voco Te Imperator Orobas "I Call You, Lord Orobas!" Salve Praevalidus Forneus "Hail to the Mighty Forneus!" Allaudate Bellipotens Marchosias "I Praise Marchosias who is Mighty in Battle!" Sabnac, Savnock, Salmac Magickal Chant Composed of Three Names for Sabnock Salve Praevalidus Domine Androalphus "Hail to the Mighty Lord Androalphus!" Invoco Aeviternitas Malthas "I Call the Everlasting Malthas!" Advoco Cordatus Aethereus Bifrons "I Call the Wise and Eternal Bifrons!" Interveni Andromalius, Antitheus Et Adsertor "I Call Andromalius, Devil and Champion!" Invoco Furcas, ...

Chants to Presence the Energies of the Dragon

The Dragon is the Void itself—the primordial force behind all manifestation, creation, destruction, etc. undescribed by myth and unlimited by causality. The Greek phrases exclaimed to close the rituals of the Draconian Tradition, being Ho Drakon Ho Megas [the Great Dragon] and Ho Ophis Ho Archaios [the Ancient Serpent], are used alongside the Enochian word Vovin [Dragon] to refer to the Dragon. Rites of the Draconian Tradition, as written by Daemon Barzai, often begin with the phrase In Nomine Draconis [in the Name of the Dragon]. Most rites of the Draconian Tradition begin with an exclamation of the word "Melez!" This word means "Hybrid" and carries the magickal energies associated with the term. It is another term for the void. The Void/Dragon is a conscious entity which can be manifested like a deity or demon. It describes itself as "black, dark, and Devilish." It appeared to me as a four-legged, red-eyed, black dragon without wings, though I sensed tha...