
Showing posts from November, 2017

Magickal Hymn to the Nine Goetic Kings

{Magickal hymns may be incorporated into any ritual or may be recited alone with a predetermined intent (such as spiritual empowerment) as a spiritual exercise in themselves. This hymn may be recited once or recited repeatedly. The more you work with a spirit, the easier it becomes for you to manifest them. While magickal hymns will generally produce small amounts of spiritual development if recited one time every once in a while as a stand-alone exercise, but the fact is, every time you take the two minutes it takes to empower yourself by reciting one of these hymns, you are developing an energetic rapport with the entity you are calling on that will benefit future workings to them. This hymn calls upon the nine kings listed amongst the 72 demons recorded in a medieval grimoire called the  Ars Goetia . I personally empowered the hymn magickally and thereafter asked the Goetikon (i.e. the Metagod comprised of the 72 demons) to consecrate (accept & empower) it as well. While the hym...

Surprisingly Useful Magickal Chants

Salve Phenex Pater Kelippot "Hail Father Phenex of the Infernal Plane" This chant calls upon the Goetic demon Phenex/Phoenix to either simply increase the witch's magickal power or target whichever of the witch's seven spinal chakras is the least open and increase it's open-ness. Source: V.K. Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra "Hail unto Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane" This chant can be used to simply call forth Amaymon in rituals which seek his influence or to call upon Amaymon to empower any rite of demon magick the sorcerer is performing or has just performed. Source: V.K. Agios o Sitra Ahra-- Drakosophia Gloria! "Numinous is the Infernal Plane-- Glory to the Current of the Adversary" This chant may be used to empower any ritual, strengthen any sacred space, or clean the celebrant's astral body & chakras. Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco _________ "Open the Qliphoth; I Call to __________" This chant can be used for invocat...

Magickal Hymn to Samael and the Veils Before Him

{This hymn calls upon Samael, the Most Transcendent Face of the Devil which lies even beyond the entire Qliphoth, as well as the demonic gods who rule three veils before Samael. These three demonic gods are Qemetiel/Qematriel, Beliar/Belial, and Gothiel/Athiel/A'athiel. See my previous magickal hymns for an explanation of how magickal hymns are to be used} Drakosophia Gloria-- Salvete Qematriel, Gothiel, Et Beliar Laudate Sitra Ahra-- Agios Es, Sancte Genitor Samael Belial, Athiel, Et Qemetiel Gloriae! Ave Ambrosius Samael! Agios o Belial, Magna Versipellis, Et Praesul Nigromantia Agios o Athiel, Daimonion Aeternum, Et Patrona Goeteia Agios o Qematriel, Xul Omnium Praeses, Et Tutator Goeteumata Agios Ischyros Samael-- Ambrosius Herus Alogos! [Glory to the Current of the Adversary-- Hail Qematriel, Gothiel, and Beliar/ Praise to Sitra Ahra-- Numinous Art Thou, Holy Father Samael/ Glory to Belial, Athiel, and Qemetiel! Hail to the Immortal Samael/ Numinous is Belial, Great Shapeshift...

Magickal Hymn to Poseidon, Demeter, and Persephone

{This hymn calls upon the three primary divinities of the Eleusinian mysteries: namely Poseidon (also known as Enesidaon, Ennosigaos, Neptunus, & Genethlios), Persephone (also known as Proserpina and Kore), and Demeter. See my previous magickal hymns for explanations on how hymns are to be used. Original sigils are provided at the bottom} Aperiatur Terra, Et Germinet Persephone Agios Ischyros Enesidaon, Salvete Demeter Et Kore Ave Proserpina, Ave Poseidon, Ave Demeter-- O, Divi Gloriae Venite Coelestes Diis Infernum, Et Germinent Epopteia Agios o Genetrix Demeter, Ambrosia Diva Et Matrona Illustratio Agios o Domine Poseidon, Ennosigaos Et Magna Neptunus Invoco Poseidon-Genethlios, Voco Te Genetrix Persephone Evoco Matercula Demeter-- Advenite Diis Infernum Venite, Divini Divi. Evigilamini Faciatis Me Agios Es, Demeter; Laudate Pater Neptunus. Proserpina Gloria Ya Namosh Wa-Na-Soi Wa-Na-Ka-Te Exat [Open the Earth, and Bring Forth Persephone/ Numinous and Mighty is Enesidaon, Hail to...

Magickal Hymn to the Tunnels of Set

{This hymn calls upon the 22 archdemons which govern the Tunnels of Set. See my previous hymns for explanations on how magickal hymns are to be used. / symbols are used to mark the ends of each stanza} Patefi Kliffoth-- Aperi Universitas Terrarum Sam Et Reshut Ha-Rabbim/ Evoco Aethereus Thantifaxath, Magna Praesul Manes Et Dominator Succis/ Voco Te Saksaksalim Et Invoco Qulielfi! Venite, Domini Et Divi Etz Ha-Daath/ Invoco Magna Amprodias Et Domina Kurgasiax. Obvenite Spirituum Qliphoth/ Et Germinent Or She-Ein Bo Mahshavah! Incipit Chaos! Alogos Pandendam/ In Nomine Coelestis Shalicu! Concalo Temphioth Forti, Patrona Goeteia Immortalem/ Et Advoco Dynastus Raflifu! Invoco Raflifu Et Voco Te Temphioth!/ Advenite Et Germinent Azoth, Et Germinent Sam Et Akasha!/ Invoco Matercula Gargophias, Regina Necromantia Et Diva Daas-Khaos/ Interveni, O Magna A'ano'nin-- Concalo Divinus Yamatu Et Voco Te Era Dagdagiel/ Niantiel, Lafcursiax, Uriens-- Domini De Inferis Memorantur/ Ve...

Magickal Chants to Belphegore

Agios Belphegor! "Numinous (is) Belphegor!" Source: V.K. Salve Beth-Baal-Peor! "Hail Beth-Baal-Peor/Belphegor" Source: V.K. Ave Bel-Peor Pater Sol Nigrantis "Hail unto Belphegor, Father of the Black Sun" Source: V.K. Lyan Ramec Catya Ganen Belphegore Belphegor's "demonic enn" or traditional summoning chant. Source: Traditional Demonolatry Veni – Venire Balphegor Rex Thagirion Et Zomiel "Come – Come Balphegor, King of the Sphere of the Black Sun and the Divinities of Revolt" Source: V.K. Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Belphegor "Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Belphegor" Calls forth Belphegor while simultaneously creating or strengthening a sacred space by presencing Qliphothic energy. Source: V.K. Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Beth-Baal-Peor "Open the Backwards Tree, and Bring Forth Beth-Baal-Peor" Source: V.K. -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Hymn to Michael

{This magickal hymn calls upon Michael, known also as Mikhail and Michahel, for any determined purpose-- such as magickal self-empowerment, the strengthening of chakras, or the sharpening of the spiritual senses. A magickal hymn can be added to any rite or used as a spiritual exercise in and of itself. I would recommend that this hymn, if being used on its own, be recited either three or seven times. Despite adhering to the dictates of the Abrahamic divinity, archangels are self-determined entities, many of whom willingly collaborate with magickians, Occultists, witches, etc. Michael has appeared to me many times, twice helping me in spiritual combat, once helping me compose a magickal chant, but usually to give me much-needed and very accurate advice. While his presence was always helpful and his insight was always good, Michael's presence always felt like an intrusion to me-- a latent threat. Fortunately, I have improved my understanding of things, and have left behind my old bla...

The Incantation of the Qliphothic Pearl

{This 15-stanza incantation may be used at the end of any rite or spell of self-initiation, self-empowerment, or self-transformation. It uses two chants from  Book of Belial and one from  Modern Demonolatry -- these three chants serve to empower any rite of demon magick. The remainder of the incantation consists of my own original chants, which chants I have personally written, empowered, and consecrated (it's a three-step process). These chants call on all manner of demons to strengthen the effects of your rite or empower the celebrant directly. It calls on Phenex, the Lords of the Three Veils Before Samael, Amaymon, Amprodias, Qalilitu, Curiel, the Four Brides of Samael, Raflifu, the Three Leaders of the Grigori/Watchers (i.e. the Three Primary Fathers of the Nephilim),  the First Two Magickal Adepts (i.e. Cain/Qayin and his Wife Luluwa/Qalmana), and Amducious. This incantation may be recited once or multiple times: I would recommend twice as two is the number of the Infernal or...

Invocation of Amprodias

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater [Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond] In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth [In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth] Perveni Coelestis Bellua Ex Qliphoth-- Excieo Amprodias [Come, Eternal Fiend of the Qliphoth-- I Call Amprodias] Amprodias Enla Sordar Niekhar [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Amprodias)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Zacam Sa Um Isli Micalzo Amprodias [I Move You and Call You, Mighty Amprodias] Amprodias Solpeth Bien Nonci Gohed Ga [Amprodias, Answer to My Voice, Oh You Everlasting Spirit] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Amprodias [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Amprodias] Qodesh La-Amprodias Geber Ha-Sitra Ahra [Holy to Amprodias, Warrior of the Other Side] In Nomine Domine Amprodias, Aperiatur Kliffoth [In the Name of Lord Amprodias, Open the Qliphoth] Ampro...

Magickal Hymn to Algol

This hymn calls on the Demon Star to raise a sacred space for black magick and empower the celebrant, calling on Lepaca/Lepacha, Radahel, Amducious, and Magoa to channel the power of the star into your area and into your soul. The four demons make sure you process it well and empower you and the sacred space themselves alongside the Demon Star. Seek spiritual guidance before you use this. Agios o Caput Medusae Subhan Ra's Al-Ghul Mirabilia Opera Tua-- Caput Larvae Gloria Beta Persei Xere Anados Voco te Caput Lamiae In Nomine Lepaca et Radahel Invoco Amducious, Invoco Algol Evoco Rex Magoa et Voco te Radahel-- Agente ex Harasiel Io Lepacha! Aperiatur Stella Caput Larvae Illuminateo Mea! [Numinous is the Head of Medusa/ Glory to the Head of the Ghoul/ Wonderful Are Thy Works-- Glory to the Specter's Head/ Second Star of Perseus, Engender Magickal Ascent/ I Call to the Head of the Vampyre/ In the Name of Lepaca and Radahel/ I Call to Amducious, I Call to Algol/ I Call Up...

Invocation of Aggereth (Agrat bat Mahlat)

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Iggereth + Igarat Malka ha-Pandemonium + Akakheghag + Orgath Regina Succubi + Agrath +  Psychompoiaps + Suvuta + Liftoach Pandemonium Agrath, Orgath, Igirit, Agerath Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Agrath Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Aggerath [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Aggerath] Arphe Igrit Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi [Descend, Igrit, So that I May Behold Your Power] Sa Ar Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Iggereth [And So that I Shall Arise in the Likeness of Iggereth] Zacam Od Um Isli C Gohed Iggereth [I Move You and I Call You, Oh Everlasting Iggereth] Iggerath, Matrum Nashimiron, Veni [Iggerath, Mother of the Malign Ones, Come] Agrath, Orgath, Igirit, Agerath Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Aggerath [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Aggerath] Aggereth Ol Um Od Ol Zodameta [Aggereth, I Call and I Conjure You] Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Quim Agrath Ho Drakon Ho Megas! [The Great Dragon (Name for t...

Invocation of Astaroth's Male Aspect


Invocation of Claunech

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Current of the Adversary and its Alchemical Endeavors] Rimkalla + Attaggarra + Claunech + Assimgarra + On-TOUR-uh-GAUL + Lahkimgallor + Allanthoth + Rimkattandra Io Chaunta Clauneck Elantiel [Hail (Three Names of Clauneck)] Ave Clauneck Rex Pandemonium [Hail Clauneck Father of the Infernal Plane] Veni Et Rege Claunech Pater Qliphoth [Come and Reign Claunech Father of the Qliphoth] Ar Ol Trian Torzu Aziazor A Elantiel [So that I Shall Arise in the Likeness of Elantiel] Zacam Od Um Isli C Gohed Chaunta [I Move You and I Call You, Oh Everlasting Chaunta] Io Chaunta Clauneck Elantiel (x11) [Hail (Three Names of Clauneck)] Lia-Nord-Ara-Kar (x11) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Claunech)] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Claunech (x11) [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Claunech] Ave Clauneck Rex Pandemonium [Hail Clauneck Father of the Infernal Plane] Ya Namosh Sitra De-Smola Alogos Drakosophia Exat! [In the Names of the Sinister Left Side, the Unwritten ...

Invocation of Samael

Samael is the aspect of the Devil which lies beyond the entire Qliphoth. It is the highest and most primordial aspect of the Adversary. My invocation of Samael and my evocation of Samael are going to be borderline identical. The invocation uses chants from the literature of the Temple of the Ascending Flame, The Complete Book of Demonolatry Magic by J. Thorp,  Book of Belial by John Putigano, and The True Red Book of Appin. Above: A Sigil Designed by John Putigano Which can Call on Either Satan or Samael Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Samael! Samrarron Rimkathorra Lankattarra Rimkathorra Linkathorra Lankathorra Samael Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Samael (x11) Samrarron Rimkathorra Lankattarra Rimkathorra Linkathorra Lankathorra Samael EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL ELERTU SFAGN ESPHAMAS ASBENIT VENAR SEBETH SATASHTEL INNON CAAMON VELROHET Samael, Shemal, Saklas, Chavayoth (x11) Reayha Bacana Lyan Reme Qui...

Evocation of Samael

{Samael is the aspect of the Devil which lies beyond the entire Qliphoth. It is the highest and most primordial aspect of the Adversary. My invocation of Samael and my evocation of Samael are going to be borderline identical. The evocation uses chants from the literature of the Temple of the Ascending Flame,  Book of Belial by John Putigano, and  The True Red Book of Appin } Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! Io Samael! Samael, Shemal, Saklas, Chavayoth (x11) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Samael (x11) EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL ELERTU SFAGN ESPHAMAS ASBENIT VENAR SEBETH SATASHTEL INNON CAAMON VELROHET Rimkathorrakkalla Yonkathorra Linkatharra Lonkathorra Rimkathalla (x11) Ecce Calicem Veneno, Samael (x11) Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Samael EL NESHIAH SCAN TSEBEL ESPHOR NOCTARAK EDATUR NONZITRAEL VACAZAZOCH HE NEBESUSHTAR STEL NESBAIN SLUU AMEL ELERTU SFAGN ESPHAMAS ASBENIT VENAR SEBETH SATAS...

Magickal Hymn to the Mother of Blood

While I am very critical of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository of real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their tradition was stolen from Kenneth Grant. Many of the Nekalah (the deities the O9A venerates) are very much worth working with, Baphomet being one of them. While most Satanists use Baphomet to refer to whatever they interpret the Goat of Mendes to represent, the O9A uses the name Baphomet in reference to a divinity which is, in truth, nothing less than the very Planetary Spirit of the Earth (that means that everyone can work with her). This hymn calls upon the Planetary Spirit of the Earth to impart magickal empowerment to the celebrant. When I wrote it, even I was surprised by how potent the hymn turned out to be. Above: John Putigano's Sigil of What the O9A Calls Baphomet Ave Baphomet, Ave Baphomet, Agia H Baphomet. - Agios Sirena Sinistra, Agios Mater Baphomet, Sancta Regina Rubedo. Veni, Regina Mundis;...

The Initiatory Rite of the Hidden Tunnels of Set

{It is possible to self-initiate through more than one Tunnel of Set at once. Since the 22 demons of the ToS were my first evocations (I never thought I'd work with the Goetia), I was able to self-initiate through all 22 pathways at once. I remember lying on the ground like a corpse for hours and hours. It's been said that there are four hidden paths on the three of life. If so, there should be four hidden paths within the Qlipphoth. Most of the time, the rituals which appear on my website were written for my own practice and suited to my needs. I usually post them an hour or so before I perform them myself. This is one of those cases. I do not currently know the end result of this ritual, nor do I know what to expect, and neither will you. This is only for magickians who have self-initiated through all 10 spheres and 22 pathways of the Qliphoth. Those few of us who have done so will be using this ritual to blindly walk into the Qabbalah's four ultimate initiations simultan...

The Ritual of Legion

{This ritual summons Lepaca, the Demon of Opening, and works with him to astrally presence a very large number of demons for the purpose of self-empowerment. The witch begins with the opening of the ritual, which opening creates a sacred space by raising Qliphothic energy, summons Lepaca, calls on multiple demons to strengthen the ritual, and then works with Lepaca to evoke multiple Qliphothic demons (in that order). Thereafter, the witch recites a hymn which entreats Chavajoth (the Azerate), the draconic meta-god composed of the 72 demons of the Goetia, the Nine Demonic Divinities of the Dukante Hierarchy, and the 22 archdemons of the Tunnels of Set to empower the witch. Five optional segments follow, and the witch may perform whichever and however many of these she will perform, if any. Lastly, a series of miscellanious and optional demon-summoning chants is provided for the witch to choose from. It is the prerogative of the witch to decide which materials, sigils, equipment, music, ...

Meditations on Mephistophiles

This article serves to analyze Chief Duke Mephistophiles, best known in Demonolatry as Mesphito, the Keeper of the Book of Death, through the esotericisms of demonology, Qabbalah, and Greek magick. This is a very deep look into demonology which may not be suitable or helpful for beginners. We know from grimoires modern and medieval alike that Mephistophiles (often called Mesphito) is a real demon, and a powerful one at that. Well, believe it or not, Doctor Faust was a real person. He was an infamous alchemist, blasphemer, astrologist, magickian, necromancer, and sodomite who once allegedly tricked a local chaplain into rubbing arsenic on his own face. Countless medieval grimoires are attributed to the teachings of Doctor Faust, just like many grimoires are attributed to the teachings of Solomon and Moses. Faust lived around the time that the printing press was invented, so while we do have stories about his exploits, our sources aren't entirely reliable, and the fictitious adaptati...

Enochian Invocation of Noctulius

{While I am a staunch critic of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository for real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their teachings was stolen from Kenneth Grant. It was originally an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set who told me the O9A’s deities were worth working with, and I have found this to be true. Working with these deities is different from working with most other pantheons, so seek guidance before endeavor. It is up to the celebrant to decide what, if any, equipment and materials she will employ in the performance of this ritual} Zacam Micalzo Noctulius [ I Move You, Mighty Noctulius] Noctulius Ol Um Od Ol Zodameta [Noctulius, I Call and I Conjure You] Solpeth Pambt Noctulius Nonci Tabaan De A Dosig [Hearken Unto Me, Noctulius, Oh You Governor of the Night] Niis Noctulius Nonci Gah De Teloch Sa Ors [Come Noctulius, Oh You Spirit of Death and Darkness] Tabaan O A Cicle De A Pleiades [Governor of the Mysteries of the ...

Enochian Invocation of Aosoth

{While I am a staunch critic of the Order of the Nine Angles, their teachings are a legitimate repository for real Greek and Druidic magickal knowledge, regardless of how much of their teachings was stolen from Kenneth Grant. It was originally an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set who told me the O9A's deities were worth working with, and I have found this to be true. Working with these deities is different from working with most other pantheons, so seek guidance before endeavor. It is up to the celebrant to decide what, if any, equipment and materials she will employ in the performance of this ritual. While the witch will most likely be able to discern this, not all of the voces magicae (linguistic sorcery) in this rite is Enochian. Other chants to Aosoth, some designed by me and others designed by Anton Long/David Myatt are employed within the ritual} Ol Um A Aosoth A Gah Teloch Sa Ananael [I Call to Aosoth, the Spirit of Death and Wisdom] Solpeth Bien Aosoth Nonci Hami O Graa A De ...

Invocation of Eurynomous

.This ritual was written using Enochian script, my own magickal chants, and channeled magickal phrases, some of which channeled phrases have been written such that they may be most easily sounded out. I broke a few of the words of power in the channeled chants down to their syllables, capitalizing syllables which equate to English words. Translations of the Latin and Enochian appear in brackets. The witch may incorporate however much or however little equipment & materials she deems appropriate into her performance of this ritual. Onkonjurral Lonkarrathor On-POUR-uh-thall Onkonriggor Lonkarrathor [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Eurynomous [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomous] Euronymous Lieza Nor Asar [Channeled Chant to Invoke Euronymous] Ol Zodameta Od Zacam Gohed Eurynomous [I Conjure Thee and I Move Thee Everlasting Eurynomous] Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Eurynomos [Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Eurynomos] Ol Um Isli Eurynomos Gohed Tabaan Te...

The Draconian Sacrament of Sitra Achara

{This is a very short ritual which calls upon the Azerate and the guiding spirits, to which spirits I have ascribed the invented magickal name Apsidotheoi, of Drakosophia-- the undercurrent of Western black magick. Octinomos is a name for Baphomet, used here as a glyph for adepthood, and "the Numinous" is a synonym for "the Divine"  which incorporates both beautiful and terrible aspects. Azerate, Havayoth, El Acher, and Deus Alienus are names for the Elevenfold Divinity of the Qliphoth, and Belia'al, Qemetiel, and Gothiel are the Archdemonic Divinities which preside over the Three Veils Before Samael. Self-identification with the divine is a practice of Egyptian magick which was incorporated into Greek magick and has been incorporated here. "The Great Dragon" is a name for the entirety of the universe. The phrase in italics is meant to be chanted, and translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets} Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! [Numinous (is) the Cu...

The Thursic Mass of Muspell

{This ritual calls upon Surtr in Enochian to help the sorcerer evoke the fire giants of Muspellheim. The name vibration formula used to call forth the fire giants is composed partially of traditional titles for the fire giants and partially of channeled magickally-charged names for the same, which channeled names are spelled such that they may be most easily pronounced (just read it like a redneck would). It is up to the witch to determine which materials and equipment, if any, she will/can bring to the ritual} Ol Um A Surtur A Tabaan De Eldthursar [ I Call to Surtur the Governor of the Fire Giants] Ol Zodameta Od Zacam Surtur [I Conjure Thee and I Move Thee Surtur] Gi Chismicaolz Sa Velucorsapax Ioiad [You are Mighty and Enthroned Forever] Zamran Odzamran Odzamran Caosgi Nonci Gah Vonpho [Move and Appear and Appear on the Earth, Oh You Spirit of Wrath] Iolcam Muspellmegir Nonci Gohed Hami O Malpirgi [Bring Forth the Gire Giants, Oh You Creature of Fire] Carma De Muspellheim Od Iolcam ...

Magickal Hymn to the Infernal Divine

Magickal hymns can be used as spiritual exercises in and of themselves, being recited for either guidance or self-empowerment, or they can be incorporated into rituals. This hymn calls out to some of the most prominent among the Infernal Divine. First, the term Drakosophia is a moniker for the black magickal current which underlies all paradigms of LHP demon magick-- from Traditional Demonolatry to Luciferian Atheism. It's inspired by the term Theosophia, being the concept of a single undercurrent beneath all religion. This is not dualism-- I am certain that Drakosophia is just the aspect of Theosophia that we of the Black Lodge work with together, whether we know it or not. 72 Spirits of the Goetia are entreated. The 72 once appeared to my mentor as a single dragon, and "Goetikon" is one of the invented magickal names I have consecrated for reference to this entity. Thereafter, the 11 Gods of the Qliphoth, known as Chavajoth/Havayoth and the Azerate or Hendekatheon is en...