
Showing posts from April, 2018

Balaam (Goetia #51)

Names: Balam, Balan, Ballan, Ballaam, Balaam, Balemm Rank: King Colors: Yellow, Purple, Green, Blue, Grey, Black, White Elemental Attributions: All Five D/N: Night Tarot: 7 of Wands/Rods; Sacred Numbers: 10 (Primary), 17, 18, 20, 21, 26 Date: Aug 12-22 Zodiac: 20-30 Leo Qlipha: Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Astaroth) Fixed Behenian Stars: Capella (Primary); Alphecca Planets from Most to Least Attributed: Mercury; Sun; Venus; Pluto Unranked Other Planets: Black Moon; Black Sun; Black Earth Directions from Best to Worst: All Directions (NE = Best; NW = 2nd) Attributed Ingredients/Substances: Gold, Frankincense, Vetivert, Sage, Mandrake Balaam is said to be able to grant the secret of invisibility which, according to Jake Stratton-Kent, denotes the ability to travel unhindered through the spirit planes. The divinatory devices or methods which I know that he specializes in are tarot, hydromancy, bones, palm reading, and skrying-- he's best at skrying with mirrors. Silver are his favorite, black ...

A Qliphothic Rite of Malediction and Vampyrism

This rite is a very effective curse which most beginners will get results from. The effects of this rite in the order they are inflicted are to emotionally torment and vampyrize the target, sick a succubus or incubus to emotionally torment him for a given period of time, and wreak total destruction on the mind, spirit, and soul of the target. It's an easy way to fuck up a deserving target's quality of life. The rite also engenders various types of magickal empowerment, and nothing breaks down the veil like destructive magick, so this is honestly a productive thing to do. I am not telling you to get curse happy. I'm saying don't let a deserving target slide. With  that said, demons differ as to which circumstances they will help curse a person under. Amprodias will curse a person who hasn't enacted violence (magickal or otherwise) against you as long as they really deserve it. Qulielfi, however, will not give assistance in this rite (or any "punishment" cur...

Insight Roles: Peter Carroll vs. the O9A

Insight roles are one of the most important and well-known steps in the self-transformative praxis of the Order of the Nine Angles. The idea is to go out of your way to involve yourself in a path of life which is foreign to your experience for an extended period of time. The most common form of insight role is group infiltration: join a religious or political group and pretend to have a legitimate interest in their agendas. The ideal insight role, by O9A Standards, will require the witch to pretend to be the exact opposite of what she understands herself to be, and if possible, should further the "Sinister Dialectic." If the Sinister Dialectic is furthered, the insight role is described as having 'gone Aeonic.' By deliberately entering a foreign walk of life, the witch comes to be liberated of various misconceptions she has about persons she deems "the other" and forces her to see aspects of her character hitherto undiscovered. It develops empathy, dissolves...


Names: Surgat, Surgatha, Aquiot, Aquiel Time: B/t 10th & 11th Hours of Night Day: Sunday Element: Air Sacred Numbers: 19, 21, 37, 38, 31 Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Samael (Mercury/Adramaleck) Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: A’areb Zaraq (Venus/Bael) Compass: Northeast Fixed Behenian Star: Capella Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek (Ain Soph Aur) Planetary Attributions (From Primary to Least): Black Moon; Jupiter; Venus Illegitima; Venus Above: Traditional Sigil of Surgat Surgat is a gatekeeper and witch god of the Black Moon who presides over numerous Qliphothic and Sephirothic gateways alike, holding dominion over the most abstruse Qliphothic pathways which will only open to those who have received great approval from Chavajoth. He presides over the dissolution of the ego and the mysteries of the Qliphoth. He can expose you to every part of yourself. Mark Allan Smith describes Surgat as ruling "nightside rites of power" and "interdimensional work to other realms t...

Invocation of Rahab

This invocation is composed entirely of voces magicae-- that is, magickal language. Specifically, Enochian script and consecrated magickal chants. The chants which appear in italics are meant to be recited a specified number of times in a rhythmic monotone (this would be chanting). Translations of non-English phrases will appear in brackets, and explanations will appear in parentheses. Ol Zodameta A Oxiayal Vovin Rahab  Ar Ol Restil Noasmi Saga A Tia. Niiso Rahab Seriel Drilpa Tabaan O A Sitra De-Smola. Zacam Sa Um Isli Ramuel Gohed Vovina O A Reshut Ha-Rabbim. Ol Um De Isli De Niiso Ar Ol Restil Micama Zomdv Alonusahi. [I Conjure the Mighty Dragon Rahab so that I May Become One With Him. Come Forth, Rahab Seriel, Great Governor of the Sinister Left Side.  I Move You and Call You, Ramuel, Everlasting Dragon of the Kingdom of Manifoldness (i.e., Qliphoth). I Call You to Come Forth so that I May Behold Your Power] Advoco Ambrosius Vipera, Regulus Magnus, Immortales Rahab! Aperiatur Qliph...

Gremory (Goetia #56)

Names: Gremory, Gamori, Gomory, Gemory Legions: 26 Compass: North Planet: Saturn; Uranus; Venus Qlipha: Thagirion; Oreb Mavet Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Tohu Rank: Duke Zodiac: Libra 10-20 Date: Oct 3-12 Element: Air; Water Colors: Purple, Orange, Green, Pink, Brown D/N: Diurnal Tarot: 3 of Swords Behenian Star: Capella; Algorab; Deneb; Algedi Attributed Substances: Copper, Sandalwood, Rose, Mullein, Patchouli, Lavender Above: Sigil of Gremory Gamori presides over geomancy, divinatory rune-casting, necromancy, pyromancy, love spells, and hydromancy. She can strengthen the astral hearing and sight of the witch and empower her astral double. She can also control the weather and increase the witch's magickal power. She has close relationships with Thantifaxath and Qulielfi. Gremory can teach dance, improve the magickian's physical reflexes, and increase her sense of confidence. She can initiate one through Shams [the Planetary Sphere of the Sun] as well as the Core of the Earth (long ...

Magickal Chants to Abraxas

Megist Abraxas Gloria "Glory to the Great Abraxas!" Adorire Abrasax Aedifex "Rise Abrasax the Creator!" Evoco Comclamatus Divus– Veni, Veni Abrasax "I Call the Renowned God– Come, Come Abrasax!" Adveni Et Ascende– Erus Abraxas Phosphorosophia Pandendam "Come and Arise– Lord Abraxas Propagate the Black Light!" Abrasax, Admirabilis– Adoro Te Abrasax "Abrasax, Wonderful Art Thou– I Adore Thee Abrasax!" Zar Odo Gmicalzo Zar Abraxas Zar Geh This is the Enochian Enn for Abraxas, and it's the only chant in this article which I did not design. To see the source of this chant alongside an original channeled sigil of Abraxas, follow the hyperlink below: V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Shaitan

To be clear, it has been an incredibly long time since I worked with Shaitan, such that I don't know nearly as much about him as I probably should before making a post like this. Some of the chants listed originated from the corpus of the O9A, and based on my experience with the O9A's chants, I will give them a thumbs up. David Myatt, at least at the time he founded the O9A, was an exquisite magickian. The channeled chants are from years ago, but the Latin chants I wrote are recent. I may not know shit or dick about Shaitan Al-Kabeer, but I definitely know how to make a fucking chant, and Shaitan has accepted these chants as his own (getting that to happen is a part of my normal chant-construction procedure). In short, these chants will get results, and this is my first time, or at least, the first time in recent history, posting about shit I'm ignorant of. Update: this article has been ammended. Shaitan has requested that I remove the O9A's chants and sigil for Shaitan...

The Goetic Rite of Atozephos

This rite serves to call upon the Goetic metagod known as Atozephos, Zobeteuma, or the Goetikon for the purpose of magickal ascent. This version of the rite is suitable for novices who are almost intermediate and good for practitioners wanting a shorter ritual; the Black Rite of Zobeteuma is the version I wrote for advanced and intermediate practitioners. If you don’t know what the Goetikon is, follow the hyperlink below to read my essay about it: My rituals are written to be powerful as fuck with or without equipment– should the witch have equipment, she would do well to incorporate it, but she must do so in accordance with her personal judgement. Phrases to be chanted appear in italics, explanations or instructions appear in parentheses, and translations of given phrases appear in brackets. If you don’t think you can pronounce any given part of this rite, simply do your best to sound it out and known your ef...

The Black Rite of Zobeteuma

This rite serves to call upon the Goetic metagod known as Atozephos, Zobeteuma, or the Goetikon for the purpose of magickal ascent. This version of the rite is for intermediate and advanced practioners; the Goetic Rite of Atozephos is suitable for novices who are almost intermediate. If you don't know what the Goetikon is, follow the hyperlink below to read my essay about it: My rituals are written to be powerful as fuck with or without equipment-- should the witch have equipment, she would do well to incorporate it, but she must do so in accordance with her personal judgement. Names to be vibrated appear in bold, phrases to be chanted appear in italics, explanations or instructions appear in parentheses, and translations of given phrases appear in brackets. If you don't think you can pronounce any given part of this rite, simply do your best to sound it out and known your efforts were sufficient, howe...

Magickal Chants for Egyptian Paganism

Anubis Agios Ischyros Anubis-Anpu Ala-Mashavah "Numinous and Mighty is [(Two Names of Anubis & Invented Magickal Name)]!" Agios Anoup-Anpu "Numinous (is) [(Two Names of Anubis)] Agios Ischyros Yinepu "Numinous and Mighty is Yinepu/Anubis!" Anpu Anubis A-Na-Pa [(Three Names of Anubis)] Khenty-Imentiu Yinepu Anubis [(Three Names of Anubis)] Amplaudate Yinepu Coeles Autem Sa-Ka "I Praise Yinepu, Deity of Sa-Ka!" Osiris Agios Ischyros Basileus Asir "Numinous and Mighty is King Asir/Osiris!" Adoro Te Aethereus Asir "I Admire You, Eternal Asir!" Asar Un-Nefer Osiris Asir [(Four Names of Osiris)] Chepri Agios Es Aeviternitas Kheper "Numinous Art Thou, Everlasting Kheper!" Salve Dominator Chepri "Hail Lord Chepri!" Ave Sagax Khepera "Hail to the Wise Khepera!" Invoco Khepera; Divus Sophos Chepri "I Call Khepera; Theomorphic, Wise Chepri!" All of these chants were written, empowered, and consecrat...

Magickal Hymn to the Raviasamin

The Raviasamin are the four leviathans-- or at least, the primary four leviathans (they're primary to me). The most well-known among them is simply referred to as Leviathan-- the draconic, primordial face of the Devil who manifests as male and female alike, and as dragon and anthropoid alike. He is the steed of Choronzon. The second is Leviathan's bride, the draconian-primordial aspect of Lilith who's known as Taninsam in the 218 Current-- the steed of Shugal. Leviathan and Taninsam are both given the moniker Chaosifer [Bearer of Chaos]. The third levithan is Rahab, a Watcher and Demon-Prince of the Sea. His other names include Ramuel and Rahab Seriel. The fourth leviathan is the unmanifest dragon of the Qliphoth: Tanin'iver/Taninniver, the blind serpent who lies dormant in Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith)-- the unmanifest leviathan who will unite Lilith and Samael when he awakes and engenders aeonic progression. Generally, my magickal hymns can be incorporated into any rit...

Invocation of Satan

Physis is a term within Greek philosophy which signifies the ever-changing spiritual essence and character of the celebrant. Olam Ha-Qliphoth [Qliphothic World] is a Qabbalistic moniker for the physical plane. Translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets, and magickal chants appear in italics. Agios Octinimos-Drakosophia! Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos! [Numinous (is) the Demon Magick and Alchemical Attainment of the Current of the Adversary! Hail Satanas, Bearer of Chaos, the Great Accuser!] Regent of the Black Sun and the Qlipha of Stars Suspended Aloft, I Conjure You Forth into this Temple of Flesh, To Descend Within Me Amongst Chaos and Fire And Imbue My Physis With the Essence of Your Being. Hearken Unto the Magickal Words and Make Your Power Known Within Me. Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos! Ascende Seminator Diabolus! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Satan! Io Ho Kantegor! Cio Exitosus Sophos Satan-Zabulus! Salve Sathanas Megist Agente Ex Sitra De-Smola! Baru...


Rank: Duke Sacred Number: 7, 9, 11 Element: Fire; Air Colors: Orange, Blue, Green, Grey, Pink, Purple Attributed Qliphas: Ghagiel; Samael; Satariel Attributed Non-Qliphothic Spheres: Falak Al-Aflak; Shams D/N: Equally Diurnal & Nocturnal Plantetary Attributions: Venus; Saturn Trans-Qliphothic Attributions: Tohu; Bohu; Chashakh/Chasek Above: My Original Sigil for Syrach Syrach holds authority and can give auspices in rituals to Acheron, Lethe, Cocytus, Irkalla, the Vaults of Zin, Shams [Planetary Sphere of the Sun], and Falak Al-Aflak [the Primary of the Spheres]. He can empower the shadow chakras which descend from the pelvis to the feet. Syrach presides over concealment. He can grant one gnosis of her True Will and past incarnations and attune the magickian to the former. He can also strengthen one's personal magnetism, and his auspices and guidances are of great use in Hatha Yoga and Tantra. Syrach can manifest as either gender. Working with him is an abnormally excellent way...

Magickal Chants to Satan

Atal Esh-Shachor + Theli Elyon + Sama-El-Acher + Chashah Hakadmoni + Melech Ha-Melechim Aur She-Ain Bo Machshavah + Gibor Helel Satan + Liftoach Qliphoth This is the Name Vibration Formula Provided in  The Book of Sitra Achra to Summon Satan. Theli Elyon [Most High Dragon], Sama-El-Acher [Poison of the Foreign Divinity], Etc. Are Clearly Invented Hebrew Magickal Names for Satan, Some of Which Use the Principle of Mimetics. The Formula Concludes with "Open the Qliphoth". Io Satanas Khaosophoros To Mega Antikidos "Hail Satanas, Bearer of Chaos, the Great Adversary!" Source: V.K. Ascende Seminator Diabolus "Rise, Father Diabolus!" Source: V.K. Io Ho Kantegor "Hail to the Great Accuser!" Source: V.K. Cio Exitosus Sophos Satan-Zabulus "I Call the Destructive, Wise (Two Names of Satan)!" Source: V.K. Baruch Ha-Sathanas "Blessed is Satanas!" Source: V.K. Athah Gibor Leohlam Satan "Satan is Almighty and Eternal Forever!" So...

The Spider Queen or Spider Goddess (Sepheranz, Arachne, Illivryn)

Direction: Northwest (Primary); West Colors: Red, Brown, Purple, Green, Pink D/N: Nocturnal Elemental Attribution: Spiritus Stellar Attribution: Procyon Planetary Attributions (from Most to Least Attributed): Moon; Black Sun; Saturn; Uranus; Sun; Earth; Mercury Above: Channeled Sigil for the Spider Queen No article about any god has ever been more difficult to write-- I have revised this essay innumerable times, and no matter how many times I do, I cannot present even two percent of this goddess to the public. She is one of the most multi-faceted, powerful, amazing, confusing, mysterious, and all around wonderful spirits I know. This article is dedicated to the divinity that is variously referred to as the Spider Queen, the Spider Goddess, the Hanged One, the Black Womb of the Universe, the Weaver of Numerous Chains, the Spider Mother of the Draelith, the Valsharess of the Draelith, the Spider Goddess of Atlantis, the Goddess of Weaving, the Queen of Space, the Queen of Isolation and F...