Magickal Hymn to Ustrina
My magickal hymns may be either incorporated into any ritual or used as a stand-alone spiritual practice. This hymn refers to Ustrina by secret names for her which I've channeled, including Sadrinda, Gazila, and Hazinda. These names are for use only in magick and worship. I was commissioned to write this hymn by a client. Ascende, Divinitas-- Veni, Sempiterna Ustrina Voco Te, Sadrinda Gentrix, Deam Tenebris Concelebrate Era Ustrina, Regina Daemoniorum Concalo Ustrina Mater, Divinitatem Opulenta Agios Es, Divina Gazila, Anima Satorial Adoro Te, Hazinda Magna, Deitas Saturnia "Rise, Goddess-- Come, Eternal Ustrina/ I Call You, Mother Sadrinda, Dark Goddess/ I Praise Lady Ustrina, Queen of Demons/ You Are Numinous, Divine Gazila, Spirit of the Saturnian Qlipha/ I Adore You, Great Hazinda, Saturnian Goddess."