
Showing posts from February, 2019

Magickal Hymn to Ustrina

My magickal hymns may be either incorporated into any ritual or used as a stand-alone spiritual practice. This hymn refers to Ustrina by secret names for her which I've channeled, including Sadrinda, Gazila, and Hazinda. These names are for use only in magick and worship. I was commissioned to write this hymn by a client. Ascende, Divinitas-- Veni, Sempiterna Ustrina Voco Te, Sadrinda Gentrix, Deam Tenebris Concelebrate Era Ustrina, Regina Daemoniorum Concalo Ustrina Mater, Divinitatem Opulenta Agios Es, Divina Gazila, Anima Satorial Adoro Te, Hazinda Magna, Deitas Saturnia "Rise, Goddess-- Come, Eternal Ustrina/ I Call You, Mother Sadrinda, Dark Goddess/ I Praise Lady Ustrina, Queen of Demons/ You Are Numinous, Divine Gazila, Spirit of the Saturnian Qlipha/ I Adore You, Great Hazinda, Saturnian Goddess."

An Advanced Ritual to Nahema for Kundalini Work

This is an advanced ritual which evokes Nahema to raise a sacred space with the energies of Nahemoth, help the magickian raise the Red Kundalini, the Black Kundalini, or Both, and transform both the consciousness and energy body of the celebrant. I will not explain here how my ritual scripts are to be read, as this rite should only be performed by people experienced with my rites. There is a "Rituals of Satanism and Demonolatry for Beginners" page which can be accessed through the menu of this site, which now includes a video depiction of how my rites are performed. I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Liftoach Pandemonium! Na-Ama-Hema – Venire! [Numinous (is the) Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Open the Infernal Plane! Na-Ama-Hema-- Come] Nahema + Asila + Arakalakala + Arandragal + Mimdaea + Wizala + Za...

An Advanced Rite to Lilith for Vampyric Alchemy

I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Ave Domina Lilith! [Numinous and Mighty is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Hail Lady Lilith] Chadindra Kimtadra Astagatala Rastagora (x6) [(Channeled Chant Calling on Lilith to Open the Way to Satariel)] Agios Tzaphoni Ama Lilith Layilil (x6) [Numinous (is) (Three Names of Lilith)] Layilil Lilitu Abnukta Ama Lilith Chaosifer Tzaphoni (x6) [(Six Names of Lilith)] Agios Es, Lilith, Divum Et Vorsipelle (x6) [Numinous Art Thou, Lilith, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Agios o Lilith Regina Gamaliel (x6) [Numinous is Lilith, Queen of Gamaliel] Ornate Lilith Divinitas Ex Acharayim (x6) [I Praise Lilith, Goddess of the Backwards Tree] Provinite Sam, Akasha, Alogos, Et She-Ein Bo Mashavah! Obtestor Xul De Tohu, Bohu, Et Chasek– Infernalia Fundam Anados! Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophi...

A Rite to Amaymon for Magickal and Psychic Empowerment

Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! [Numinous is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis! Open the Infernal Plane! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Let There Be Infernal Light] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Amaymon   (x4) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Amaymon] Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra! Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis! Invoco Amaymon In Nomine Qliphoth! Agios Es, Amaymon, Divum Et Vorsipelle! [Hail Amaymon, Father of the Other Side! Numinous is Amaymon the Lion-Rider! I Call Amaymon in the Name of the Qliphoth! Numinous Art Thou, Amaymon, Spirit and Shapeshifter] Veni, Spiritus Tenebris– Obveni Erus Amaymon (x4) [Come, Dark Spirit– Come Lord Amaymon] Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Amaymon! Superveni Amaymon Maximus Lar! Evoco Dominator Amaymon! In Nomin...

Magickal Chants to Amaymon

Above: Channeled Sigil of Amaymon Evoco Dominator Amaymon "I Call Lord Amaymon!" Veni, Spiritus Tenebris-- Obveni Erus Amaymon "Come, Dark Spirit-- Come Lord Amaymon!" Agios o Amaymon Equitem Leonis "Numinous is Amaymon the Lion Rider!" Salve Amaymon Pater Sitra Ahra “Hail unto Amaymon, the Father of the Infernal Plane” This chant can be used to simply call forth Amaymon in rituals which seek his influence or to call upon Amaymon to empower any rite of demon magick the sorcerer is performing or has just performed. Sanda Zanda Zara Kon Zorta Thora Gal Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Lich Aspect (All-Purposed) Aezon Zordon Fandar Zandor Aeza Sor Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Crocodile Aspect (All-Purposed) Onsa Sorga Aega Farga Forza Nonzae Aental Saeth Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Alligator Aspect (All-Purposed) Kondae Sorda Zalar Aefar Kortae Bandar Aezor Saeda Aez Channeled Chant Calling on Amaymon's Leopard Aspect (All...

Invocation of Michael

I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. I call forth the celestial spirit of punishment known as the immortal prince Michael. Spread your wings and manifest within my temple of flesh so that I might experience unity with the Numinous. Make your presence known within my very consciousness so that I might become transformed! Oh hear the names! Michael + Sadrintala + Rasoron + Michahel + Asimgaloth + Sagata [(Six Names of Michael, Four of Which Are Secret Names to Be Used Only In Magick and Worship)] Saeanala Aeoraga Aeatora Aeathal (x7) [(Channeled Chant to Invoke Michael: SAY-UH-nal-UH AYE-OH-RAW-guh AYE-UH-TOUR-UH AYE-UH-THAL)] Invoco Michael– Gladium Portat! Agios Es, Sophos Michael, Princeps Angeli! Concelebrate Domine Michahel! Praedicate Aethereus Divus Sadrintala! Perveni Michahel Imperator Tiphereth! Sagax Coelestis Michahel Gloria! Corire Omnituens Numen Michael! [I Call Michael-- Bearer of the Sword! Numinous Art Thou, Wise Michael, Prince of Angels! I Praise Lord...

Magickal Chants to Archangel Michael

Above: Traditional Sigil of Michael Sadrintala + Rasoron + Asimgaloth + Sagata Four Channeled Secret Names of Michael. Secret Names Are Only For Use in Magick and Worship-- Never Use Secret Names Outside of These Contexts, and When Possible, Do Not Reveal Them to Non-Practitioners. Note: Sitri Shares the Secret Name Asimgaloth with Michael. This is Not As Weird As it May Seem. Michael Shares a Secret Name which Does Not Appear on My Blog with Moloch Too. Concelebrate Domine Michahel "I Praise Lord Michahel!" Perveni Michahel Imperator Tiphereth "Come, Michahel, Lord of the Solar Sephira!" Invoco Michael-- Gladium Portat "I Call Michael-- Bearer of the Sword!" Agios Es, Sophos Michael, Princeps Angeli "Numinous Art Thou, Wise Michael, Prince of Angels!" Michahel, San Migel, Archistrategos, Sadrintala This is a Chant Composed of Three Names for Michael and One Title for Him. Archistrategos, Meaning "Archangel," is a Traditional Moniker of...

A Rite to Sitri for Personal Magnetism and Magickal Power

I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Arcesso Regulus Bitru! Liftoach Pandemonium! [Numinous is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and Unwritten Gnosis! I Summon Prince Bitru! Open the Infernal Plane] Sitri + Kagimgatar + Artri + Asimgaloth + Bitru + Ziskadadra + Andareth [(Seven Names for Sitri, Most of Which Should Only Be Used for Magick)] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Sitri (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Sitri] In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Sitri! Arcesso Regulus Bitru! Arcesso Praevalidum Agenti Smola– Invito Bitru! Agios Es, Sitri, Divum Et Vorsipelle!  Induperator Est Bitru Etiam Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Adoro Te, Phylarchus Sitri! Aperiatur Mavethol; Devoco Sitri! Advoco Bitru Aeternam! Corire Sitri, Penitrale Gehennae! Corire Omnituens Numen Sitri! Invoco Bitru In Nomine Qlipho...

Magickal Chants to Sitri

Above: Sigil of Sitri's Serpentine Aspect Channeled by Augustus Grigori Kagimgatar + Asimgaloth + Ziskadadra Channeled Secret Names for Sitri (Secret Names Are Only for Use in Magick and Veneration) Note: Sitri Shares the Secret Name Asimgaloth with Michael. This is Not As Weird As it May Seem. Michael Shares a Secret Name which Does Not Appear on My Blog with Moloch Too. Sitri + Bitru Recorded Names for Sitri Artri + Andareth Invented Magickal Names for Sitri (For Magickal Use Only) Arcesso Regulus Bitru "I Summon Prince Bitru!" Advoco Bitru Aeternam "I Call the Eternal Bitru!" Amplaudate Erus Sitri "I Praise Lord Sitri!" Veni, Veni, Sitri, Forti Animo "Come, Come, Sitri, Mighty Spirit!" Adoro Te, Phylarchus Sitri "I Adore You, Prince Sitri!" Artri, Bitru, Sitri, Andareth Chant Composed of Four Names for Sitri Tralatandra Hara Sa Channeled Chant to Invoke Sitri Chala Nadra Ka Tor Channeled Chant to Evoke Sitri -V.K. Jehannum Agios ...

A Rite to Adrammelech for Astral Projection

This ritual calls upon Adramaleck to transform consciousness and empower the astral double for the purpose of astral projection. The witch may attempt astral projection with Adramaleck's help directly after this rite of self-transformation if she likes-- if she would like to do this, she is to vibrate the channeled word of power Naeragatarum four times after the end of the rite before attempting. I was commissioned to write this ritual by a client. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! [Numinous is the Alchemical Attainment and Underlying Force of All Demon Magick! In the Names of the Stone of Exile and the Unwritten Gnosis] Liftoach Pandemonium, Et Germinet Adramaleck (x11) [Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Adramaleck] Salve Adramaleck Terrore Flammae! Concalo Ignipotens– Voco Te Adrammelech! Agios Es, Nasthala, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Superveni Arumgala Maximus Lar! Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet Adramelech! Induperator Est Sagath Etiam Reshut ...


Names: Raziel, Razeil, Razeel, Rezial, Reziel, Ratziel, Galizur, Raguel, Rasuel Primary Compass Attribution: Southeast Lesser Compass Attributions: S, SW, N, NE Primary Planetary Attributions: Uranus; Neptune Lesser Planetary Attribution: Jupiter Power Day: Wednesday Zodiac: Twentieth Lunar Station Elemental Attribution: Fire; Earth Sacred Numbers: 2, 12, 22 Material Attributions: Frankincense; Clear Quartz Raziel is described as the Angel of Mysteries, the Ruler of Chokmah, the Keeper of Secrets, and the Chief of the Er'elim. He was believed to have written a magickal text for Adam to help him and his wife redeem themselves spiritually after the fall, which text was temporarily or permanently lost to humanity shortly thereafter. He is believed to be a great spiritual teacher, a protector of angels, and an agent of humanity's spiritual evolution. He is purported to know all the secrets of the Universe, and experiences which beget increasements in spiritual conviction are said t...

The Sinister Rite of Calamity

This ritual calls upon Lilith to empower the celebrant for the act of cursing. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone, and the names and words of power in bold are meant to be vibrated. The channeled secret names for Lilith which appear in the name vibration formula are spelled such that they can be sounded out as easily as possible-- read them the way that a redneck would. Some of these secret names have been broken down into their syllables, with syllables which equate to known words appearing as those words in all caps. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. You may incorporate any magickal equipment you have into the ritual as you see fit, but you will have great results empty-handed so long as you have the right mindset. My rituals are designed to be powerful without equipment, but by all means, use what you have. Sigils are optional but highly recommended. I did use a few big words in this ritual. Archdiablesse basically...

Invocation of Raziel

Phrases in italics are to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone. Names in bold are to be vibrated. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. This ritual was designed to be powerful as fuck without material accompaniments, but any equipment which the witch has and wants to incorporate into her performance of the rite should be incorporated insofar as she deems appropriate. Ave Omnituens Rezial! Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur! [Hail the All-Seeing Rezial! Hail, Hail, Rezial-Galizur] Raziel + Kalaga + Galizur + Arandracal + Nalalagondra + Ratziel + Arisandragandra + Reziel + Arimgathagondralon + Rezial [(Ten Names for Raziel)] Salve Ratziel Imperator Angeli Dominator Chokmah Et Sempiternus Spiritus Ave Phylarchus Galizur-Rezial Agios Ischyros Sagax Ratziel Sophos Regulus Et Archangelus [Hail Ratziel, Lord of Angels/ Lord of Chokmah and Eternal Spirit/ Hail Prince Galizur-Rezial/ Numinous and Mighty is the Wise Ratziel/ Wise Prince and Archangel] Agios Sophos Raziel! Cori...

A Rite to Become Transformed Michael, Raphael, & Raziel

This ritual calls upon three archangels to transform the magickian, these being Raziel/Galizur, Raphael/Israfil, and Michael (also known as Michahel and San Migel). Names and words of power which appear in bold are meant to be vibrated. Phrases which appear in italics are meant to be chanted. Translations of chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. Artorzozam is a magickal word of power which serves to strengthen the summoning of any spirit or group of spirits. Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur! Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! [Hail, Hail, Rezial-Galizur! Hail Hail Raphael-Israfil] Michahel + Raziel + Raphael + San Migel + Galizur + Esrafil + Artorzozam Ave Omnituens Rezial! Ave Domnus Raphael! Concelebrate Israfil! Corire Omnituens Numen Michahel! Agios Sophos Raziel! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! Corire Omnituens Numen Michael! [Hail the All-Seeing Rezial! Hail Lord Raphael! I Praise Israfil! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Michahel! Numinous (is the) Wise Raziel...

Magickal Hymn to Raziel

Salve Ratziel Imperator Angeli Dominator Chokmah Et Sempiternus Spiritus Ave Phylarchus Galizur-Rezial Agios Ischyros Sagax Ratziel Sophos Regulus Et Archangelus "Hail Ratziel, Lord of Angels/ Lord of Chokmah and Eternal Spirit/ Hail Prince Galizur-Rezial/ Numinous and Mighty is the Wise Ratziel/ Wise Prince and Archangel." V.K. Jehannum

Magickal Chants to Raziel

Above: Traditional Sigil of Raziel Kalaga + Arandracal + Nalalagondra + Arisandragandra + Arimgathagondralon Channeled Secret Names for Raziel Agios Sophos Raziel "Numinous (is the) Wise Raziel!" Raziel, Rezial, Galizur Chant Composed of Three Names for Raziel Ave Omnituens Rezial "Hail the All-Seeing Rezial!" Io, Io, Rezial-Galizur "Hail, Hail, (Two Names for Raziel)!" Chalakatalaga Alakala Nalakaturgala Channeled Chant to Invoke Raziel Ayalaga Nagrathagra Arasala Naragal Channeled Chant to Evoke Raziel Asaraga Narakala Haratora Arathagra Narakadra Arathora Royalagra Saearagra Saragandra Akatagra Soragathagal Aragrathagra Andrathal Haraga OH-raga Aragra Soragra Nostagra Saragra Omtamgra Arimga Katral Incantation to Become Transformed by Raziel (Recite Once) Above: Channeled Sigil of Raziel Here is another sigil of Raziel which I have seen in multiple places, but some reason, the best picture I can find right now is a phone case with the sigil on it. I kno...

A Ritual for Physical Fitness (Astaroth, Phenex, Dagdagiel)

This ritual calls upon Astaroth, Phenex, and Dagdagiel to magickally empower one's pursuit of physical fitness. As such, the rite should only be performed by someone taking steps to improve their physical fitness on their own, such as dietary changes and exercise. This ritual should be performed at least twice, but no more than twice a week. The word numinous means "divine." Artorozozam is a word of power used to strengthen the summoning of one or more spirits. Don-Graph is "87" translated to Enochian for use as a magickal word of power. 87 is a number which is useful for all black magick. This ritual was composed during partial possession by Lilith's dragon aspect. Words of power and names which appear in bold are to be vibrated, and phrases which appear in italics are to be chanted. Translations appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia! In Nominibus Lapis Exilis Et Alogos! Io Asteraoth-Ikhathol! Salve Astaroth ...

The Third Angelic Rite of the Healing Art

While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated one by one (both of the words of power must be vibrated multiple times). Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. This rite should be performed two times. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Concelebrate Israfil! Agios Es, Raphael, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! [Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)! I Praise Israfil! Numinous Art Thou, Raphael, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael] I manifest by way of sorcery the radiant archangel who presides over doctors. Descend upon me and bless me with the power to beget emotional healing. I ask that you allow me to witness your power through the extent of my transformation. Make me a vessel for the ...

The Second Angelic Rite of the Healing Art

While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names in bold are to be vibrated one by one. Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. This rite should be performed three times. The word sempiternal means eternal. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Concelebrate Israfil! Agios Es, Raphael, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! [Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)! I Praise Israfil! Numinous Art Thou, Raphael, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael] I call upon the celestial emissary of the light known to man as Raphael, Sempiternal Patron of Healing and Medicine, Archdiocese of Seattle and Angel of Tobias. Transmute My Inner Nature So That I Might Be Able to Accelerate the Healing of Injuries, Those Which Afflict Myself and Others Alike! Oh Hear t...

The First Angelic Rite of the Healing Art

While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names and words of power in bold are to be vibrated one by one (each of the words of power in this rite should be vibrated three times in a row. This does not appply to the names). Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. This rite should be performed four times. The word numinous means divine and the word supernal means celestial. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Concelebrate Israfil! Agios Es, Raphael, Divum Et Vorsipelle! Corire Omnituens Numen Raphael! [Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)! I Praise Israfil! Numinous Art Thou, Raphael, Spirit and Shapeshifter! Appear, All-Seeing Spirit Raphael] I summon the Supernal Trumpet-Bearer to bestow upon me the gift of healing the sick! Come to me now, Bewinged Messenger, and grant me s...

Invocation of Raphael

While the celebrant may incorporate any magickal equipment she has into her performance of this rite, it was designed to be effective without relying on such things. Phrases in italics are meant to be chanted and the names in bold are to be vibrated one by one. Translations of my magickal chants appear in brackets, and explanations appear in parentheses. The celebrant may perform this rite however many times she desires, but it is best if she learns how many times she should perform it from the spirit. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil! Ave Domnus Raphael! [Hail, Hail, Raphael-Israfil! Hail Lord Raphael] Oh, Eternal and Sagacious Israfil, Great Spirit Who Carries the Trumpet and Flask, Angelic Patron of the Healing Art, Make Your Way Unto My Arena of Sorcery To Join With Me Within Flesh! Alakatondra + Zilimkadra + Asimga + Einakathor + Aenith + Israfil + Raphael [(Seven Names of Raphael)] Ave Domnus Raphael! Corire Omnituens Numen Israfil! Rex Raphael, Adoro Te! Sempiternus Raphael Gloria! [Hail L...

Magickal Chants to Raphael

I was asked to channel some original gnosis about Raphael, so here goes. His primary planetary attribution is to Jupiter, and his lesser planetary attributions are to Pluto, the Moon, and the Black Sun. His elemental attribution is to air and the number three is sacred to him. Raphael can teach and give aid in multiple forms of divination, including the use of bones, Ouija bones, and crystal balls, and the practices of pyromancy and palm reading. He is knowledgeable regarding glamour magick, psionics, object consecration, sex magick, solar magick, mind tricks, and draconic magick. He can give aid in lethal execration and help the witch develop her clairsentience and personal magnetism. Ia Io Raphael-Israfil "Hail, Hail (Two Names for Raphael)!" Ave Domnus Raphael "Hail Lord Raphael!" Rex Raphael, Adoro Te "King Raphael, I Adore You!" Sempiternus Raphael Gloria "Glory to the Eternal Raphael!" Invoco Praevalidus Israfil "I Call the Mighty Isra...

Some Thoughts on the Art of Human Sacrifice

It is possible to kill someone with magick by ritualistically designating them as a human sacrifice to a given deity. Death curses usually take years to kill their target, and of course, this method kills slow. The victim is gradually devoured and killed. I have not attempted this method, and probably never will. I am not a homicidal or sadistic person by nature, and I have never killed a human being through magick. Nonetheless, this technique has been tried on me without success, because I knew that some day, somebody would try it on me. I have designated my death as an offering to a given spirit, such that when I die, no matter how or when, my physical life is sacrificed to that spirit. I did this partially because I planned on killing myself, and partially because I wanted it to be impossible for someone else to sacrifice me. The fact that I have considered both possibilities should tell you a lot about the life that I've lived. This technique of magickal murder by sacrificial d...

Magickal Hymns to Chronos, Saturn, & Zuhal

Here I present a magickal hymn for each of the three first faces of the Saturnian Divinity which I started working with. While Arthur Moros posits that Zuhal (Arabic), Saturn (Roman), and Chronos (Greek) are one and the same, the demon Ralasan told me that these are three distinct aspects of one force who should be approached largely the way one would approach three individual entities. Saturn is the Nightside Bearer of Wisdom: a sickle-bearing deity of chaos and time-- a dark and primordial harbinger of enlightenment. Chronos is the embodiment of time and the king of titans-- a time-traveling harbinger of power and wisdom. Zuhal is the lord of mystery-- a demonic patron of wisdom and spirituality. These are gods of chaos who are to be worshiped when approached, whose offerings it is forbidden to partake of.   Magickal Hymn to Chronos Salve Pernicialis Chronos Adoro Te, Sapiens Pater Agios Es, Exitosus Athock Concelebrate Ambrosius Atath Agios Ischyros Chronos-Atath Salve Aethereus...

Magickal Chants to Satre

Advoco Sempiternus Satres "I Call the Everlasting Satres!" Salve Megist Satres "Hail the Great Satres!' Praedicate Divinus Satre "I Praise the Numinous Satre!" Saeatagra Atoraga Asorala Nimkalathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Satre Nasalaga Atoragala Asimagatora Asaragal Channeled Chant to Evoke Satre Nasaragathal Atoragathaga Asoragal Fakakagal Channeled Chant to Evoke Satre -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia

Magickal Chants to Ninib/Ninurta

Salve Genitor Ningirsu "Hail Father Ningirsu!"  Domnus Adar-Ningirsu Gloria "Glory to Lord Adar-Ningirsu!" Dominator Ninib, Admirabilis "Lord Ninib, Wonderful Art Thou!" Ninurta, Ninurta, Isti Ad Me "Ninurta, Ninurta, Descend Unto Me!" Ili-Ilu Ningirsu "My God is Ningirsu!" Kakki-Ilu Ninurta "My Weapon is Ninurta!" Asalagator Asaraga Aratora Alikatal Channeled Chant to Evoke Ninib Paratora Kalisala Awisakala Alimtath Channeled Chant to Evoke Ninib Asapaka Asorigala Mayalathaga Channeled Chant to Evoke Ninib Apataga Astagala Nataraga Orimkal Channeled Chant to Invoke Ninib Asoratagal Nasilathoth Asurimkal Asoragathal Channeled Chant to Invoke Ninib -V.K. Jehannum Agios Octinomos-Drakosophia