
Showing posts from January, 2018


Names: Grimarigor, Rahab, Rahab Seriel, Ramuel, Voviana D/N: Equally Nocturnal & Diurnal Color: Black, White, Green, Yellow, Purple Element: Water (Primary); Fire Primary Planetary Attribution: Sun Lesser Planetary Attributions: Earth; Uranus; Jupiter; Venus Trans-Qliphothic Veils: Tohu; Chasek (Primary) Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Thaumiel Lesser Qliphothic Attributions: Samael; Golachab; Satariel Tunnel of Set: 15 (Ghagiel-Thagirion); Hidden Tunnel Compass: Northeast (Primary); Southeast Magickal Numbers: 19, 23, 51, 84, 93, 87, 61, 86, 97, 58 Stellar Attributions (Listed from Primary to Lesser): Algoral, Algol, Sirius, Arcturus I know of three primordial dragons of Khaos in demon magick: Leviathan (an Aspect of the Devil), Taninsam (an Aspect of Lilith), and Rahab, the most mysterious. I call these spirits the three Leviathans. I have been told that five Leviathans exist, but I sense that there are seven. I simply am not familiar with them. Update: Cort Williams asked me why...


Archdemon Correspondences Gematria: 160; 395; 783 D/N: Diurnal Color: Red, Yellow, Blue Planet: Mercury; Moon; Saturn; Earth Compass: Northeast (Primary); South Element: Fire (Primary); Water Primary Stellar Attribution: Beetelgeuse Secondary Stellar Attribution: Algol Lesser Stellar Attribution: Arcturus Tunnel Correspondences Tunnel of Set: 16 (Gashkalah-Ghogiel) Hebrew Letter: Vau Musical Key: C Sharp Qliphothic Army: Adimiron Tarot: Atu V (the Hierophant)   The Nature of the Spirit Uriens is a psychopompic archdemoness and the matron of a demonic species/army known as the Adimiron [Bloody Ones], and she often appears to magickians as male. She rules over everything created from death and dissolution. Uriens can grant the witch faith in her personal path and impart openness to the influences and guidance of the Numinous. She presides over the pathway between the Qliphothic Spheres of Gashkalah (Jupiter/Astaroth) and Ghogiel (Uranus/Baelzebuth). The teachings and auspices of Urie...

Naberius (Goetia #24)

Names: Naberius, Nuberus, Nebiros, Naberus, Naburus, Naberios, Cerberos, Cerbere, Cerberus, Kerberos Subordinates: Ipes, Alefpene'ash, Glasya-Labolas, Ornias Planet: Venus Illegitima; Pluto; Moon; Neptune; Uranus Superiors: Astaroth, Tezrian, Uriens, Rahab Rank: Marquis; Field Marshal; Inspector General Legions: 19 D/N: Mostly Nocturnal & Yet Functionally Diurnal Tarot: 7 of Cups Color: White, Red, Black, Indigo, Green, Violet Holy Day: Winter Solstice; Halloween; New Year's Eve Gematria: 252 Time of Year: Mid-July Element: Earth; Air; Fire Compass Direction: North Zodiac: 20-30 Scorpio Date: Nov 13-22; Stellar Attributions: Algol (Primary); Algoral Primary Qlipha: Gamchicoth (Jupiter/Astaroth) Secondary Qlipha: Gamalielim (Black Moon/Lilith) Lesser Qliphas: Thamiel (Neptune & Pluto/Moloch & Satan); Goloheb (Mars/Asmoday) Attributed Plants, Metals, Etc.: Silver, Jasmine, Ash Wood, Neptunium, Tin, Mullein, Wormwood, Elder Berry Above: Image of Naberius for Magickal U...

Invocation of Naberius (Cerberus)

Invoco Nebiros In Nomine Qliphoth! Zacam Od Ol Zodameta Drilpa Od Micalzo Gah Ol A Reshut Ha-Rabbim! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Pandemonium! Yehi Aur Chashakh! Solpeth Bi-En Sa Solpeth De G Omaoas Od Niiso Fafen Acharayim Pugo Caosgi! [I Call Nebiros in the Name of the Qliphoth! I Move You and I Conjure You, Great and Mighty Spirit of the Kingdom of Manifoldness! Open the Palace of the Pavement of the Black Diamond! Open the Infernal Plane! Let There Be Demonic Light! Hearken Unto My Voice and Hearken Unto the Names and Come Forth from the Backwards Tree Unto the Earth] Naberius + Cerberus + Ala-Mashavah + Nebiros + Aeonifer + Naberus + Xulogos + Khaosophoros + Cerberos + Diabalachara Mia-Orda-Iessa-Ar (x3) [(Channeled Chant for Invoking Naberius)] Io Naberius Domnus Kunes Aidao! Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Naburus!  [Hail Naberius, Lord of Hellhounds! Open the Qliphoth; I Call Naburus] Naburus, Kerberos, Naberios, Cerbere (x7) [(Magickal Chant Composed of Naberiu...


Names: Abraxas; Abrasax Color: Red; Grey; Blue Star: Deneb, Algedi, Procyon Primary Direction: East Secondary Direction: Northwest Primary Planetary Attribution: Sun Secondary Planetary Attributions: Black Sun; Saturn; Jupiter Lesser Planetary Attribution: Earth Element: Fire (Primary), Earth (Secondary), Air (Lesser) "The basilisk is related to the all-powerful Gnostic god Abraxas, ruler of magic and spiritual powers in the universe, who is portrayed in art as having the head of a cock or lion and the body of a man with legs that end in serpents or scorpions." -Carl Jung Abraxas originated as an Egyptian deity and the Gnostic conception of the Supreme Being and Supersoul (the Absolute), but he later came to be incorporated into Demonology for obvious reasons. Generally speaking, Satanists refer to the Supersoul as Baphomet, the Goat of Mendes who is also known as Octinomos. I had been planning to summon Abrasax for a while, but I was hesitant to work with another entity whos...


Archdemon Correspondences Days of the Week: Monday; Saturday Color: Indigo, Red, Black, Pink, Light Blue Direction: Southeast (Primary), West Qliphoth: Aogiel (Uranus/Beelzebuth) D/N: Equally Diurnal & Nocturnal Holy Days: April 30th; Halloween Primary Element: Water Secondary Element: Earth Gematria: 129; 640; 857 Primary Planet: Earth Secondary Planet: Uranus; Moon Pathway Correspondences Tunnel: 18 (Satariel-Golochab) Hebrew Letter: Chet or Cheth Tarot: Atu VII (the Chariot) Zodiac: Cancer Musical Key: D Sharp Above: Sigil of Characith from  Liber 231 on KeepSilence.Org Characith is an archdemon of the Tunnels of Set (the paths between the Qliphothic spheres) who can impart great magickal development to the witch. She manifested to me as female-- a succubitic protectress of the Black Lodge who endeavors the furtherance of the demon magick in the West. She can help the witch dominate and control forces which prevent evolution and impart might, blessings, ecstasy, supremacy, and ...

A Ritual to Shax

This ritual uses the vibration of several variations of Shax's name(s) as well as some invented magickal names which are useful in the conjuration of any demon or group of demons. I made those myself, so I know how they work. The witch may incorporate candles, a chalice, a sigil, or whatever she likes, but if and how she does so is her prerogative. Names in bold are to be vibrated and phrases in italics should be chanted. Non-literal translations of foreign phrases appear in brackets and explanations appear in parentheses. Like the rest of my rituals, the operator may use an opening rite of her preference or perform this rite without one. My rituals are made to work without material accompaniment and to be accessible to practitioners of any denomination of demon magick. I call forth the demon Shax to manifest and engender the fulfillment of my intent. (Specify Request or Requests) Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Liftoach Pandemonium, ...

A Ritual to Leviathan

If you'd like a sigil of Leviathan for printing instead of drawing, follow this click this image (it's a hyperlink) to Daemon Barzai's original sigil: I call forth the Abyssic-Draconic Aspect of the Devil who rules the primordial seas. Hearken forth from the acausal planes of your dwelling and residence and manifest your power within my chamber tonight. Open the gateway to Sitra Ahra and lend your support unto me. Oh hear the names! Chaosifer + Leviathan + Tannin + Leviatan + Theli + Aeonifer + Xulogos I call forth Leviathan-Khaosophoros and engender the presencing of Qliphothic energy here! Liftoach Pandemonium! Liftoach Kliffot! Liftoach Hekel Lebanath Ha-Adamas Ater! Yehi Aur Chashakh! (Specify Your Request(s) and Visualize and/or Focus on It as You Repeat the Following Chants in a Rhythmic Monotone) Rex Chaosifer, Veniat Ad Me (x11) [Chaos-Bearing King, Come Forth Unto Me] Jedan Tasa Hoet Naca Leviathan (x7) [(This is Leviathan's Traditional Demonic Enn)] Ophis Ab...

Invocation of Davcina

{This is a very old ritual which, while completely effective, does not represent my ability as a writer. My apprentice requested that I release this article from the unpublished drafts section of my website where it stayed alongside a half-written sacrament called The Forbidden Rite of #Winning. This ritual incorporates Anton Long's traditional mantras, newer phrases written by the Temple of Azoth, and original phrases written by V.K. Jehannum and charged/empowered through the blessing of certain deities. Phrases in italics are to be chanted in a rhythmic monotone and translations appear in brackets. Eri-Dugga is the name of a sacred city in Sumeria which Davcina was related to} Agios o Davcina   (x5) [Hallowed be Davcina] I will attain union with the Pre-Eminent Goddess of Jupiter and Earth so that I might be likened unto her. I call her presence into this flesh through the chants which have been revealed unto me. Ia Davcina, Belatis-Dingir-Dingir (x4) [Translation from Spoken Cu...

Shax (Goetia #44)

Names: Shax, Scox, Shass, Shan, Chax, Shaz Rank: Marquis Legions: 30 Tarot: 9 of Swords Element: Air; Fire D/N: Nocturnal Gematria: 390; 1200 Date: June 1-10 Planet: Moon; Uranus; Neptune Color: Black; White; Violet; Pink Compass: Southeast (Primary); Northwest Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Nahemoth (Black Earth/Nahema) Secondary Qliphothic Attribution: Satorial (Saturn/Lucifage) Primary Stellar Attribution: Alpheneca Secondary Stellar Attribution: Pleiades Tertiary Stellar Attribution: Dabih (Beta Capricorni) Attributed Substances: Jasmine, Silver, Vetivert, Galangal, Ague Weed, Rue Chax can be called upon to remove or grant understanding, perception, and memory. He can attune the target or witch to her emotions and make her self-aware. He can align one to her Higher Self, True Will, physis, and personal wyrd and tune her in to her astral double, love, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. Scox can give aid in shadowmancy, mirrormancy, nature magick, pyromancy, rune-casting, hydromancy, ...

The Esotericism of the Fourteen Planetary Spheres

Do not read. This article is attributed to the Adversarial Esotericism Category of my website, which means that it's advanced and in my opinion, non-essential. My website will be far more useful to the reader if the Menu and Categories are used. 1: Bapki is the Planetary Sphere of the Earth, which may be accessed through the Sephiroth as Malkuth. Baphomet of Albion, being the O9A's Mother of Blood, is the Planetary Spirit of the Earth. One is the number of the Supersoul, which Supersoul is manifest and fulfilled within the causality of Bapki, and which Supersoul has been misidentified with deities such as Krishna, Odin, and Jehovah. Baphomet of Mendes, being the iconography of Eliphas Levi, is an apt depiction of the Supersoul, which is properly addressed as Baphomet and Abraxas. 2: The Planetary Sphere of the Black Earth is the precursor to Bapki, which may be accessed through the Qliphoth as Nahemoth (Black Earth/Na'amah). Nahemoth is the manifestation and fulfillment of ...


Above: Unrelated Magickal Artwork for Meditation Journeys by GAR Archdemon Correspondences Color: Grey, Yellow, Green, Blue D/N: Diurnal Tunnel of Set: 31 (Samael-Nehemoth) Trans-Qliphothic Veil: Chasek; Bohu (Secondary) Direction: North; Northwest; Northeast (Lesser) Elements (In Order of Relevance): Water; Earth; Fire Gender: Usually Male; Occasionally Female Lesser Planet: Earth; Saturn Primary Planet: Neptune; Mercury; Moon Gematria: 171; 500; 1485 Channeled Magickal Names:  Simkallathawn , Emkallanthorr Primary Stellar Attributions: Algol; Regulus Lesser Stellar Attributions: Aldebaran; Dabih (Least) Qliphas Attributed (Listed from Primary to Least): Nahemoth, Gamaliel, Satariel Pathway Correspondences Planet: Pluto Tarot: Judgment Musical Key: C Atavism: Prima Materia Manifesting in Corrupted Form Siddhi: Transformation; Disappearance/Invisibility Hebrew Letter: Shin Yoruban Power Zone: Manamana; Orun-Apadi; Biri Disease: Lethal Fevers; Non-Lethal Fevers Which Produce Insanity Lo...

The Psychic Vampyres are the Real Vampires

Psychic vampyrism, which is a known technique of white and black magickians alike, is the practice of feeding upon the spiritual energy of other persons, and sanguine vampyrism is the act of drinking human blood for sustenance. Most people who practice sanguine vampyrism consider drinking blood to be nothing more than a particularly potent way of taking someone else's spiritual energy. While most black magickians see vampyrism as little more than an optional practice which they may or may not adopt, some authorities amongst modern systems of vampyric magick believe that some humans are born with anomalies of the spiritual body which require them to feed upon exogenous spiritual energy instead of recycling nature's prana like the majority of people do. Initiates of the Black Lodge who practice vampyrism tend to doubt the reality of born vampyres, but vampyres external to the  "Left Hand Path" insist on self-identifying as born vampyres. I initially adopted the practice...

A Ritual to Qalilitu

{This is my ritual to Qalilitu, a high-ranking archdemoness of the Qliphothic Sphere of Gamaliel (Black Moon/Lilith). Qalilitu, whom I have elected as my Matron Demoness, was originally recorded by Daemon Barzai in an anthology called  Qliphoth Opus III  by Black Tower Publishing. Since Qalilitu is my Matron Demoness, I owe incredible thanks to Daemon Barzai, with whom I have no affiliation. Persons unacquainted with this demoness may Google "V.K. Jehannum Qalilitu" to find my article about her, which article includes original magickal chants and a sigil. This rite to Qalilitu is perfect for a curse, exorcism, empowerment of the psychic senses, or object consecration. The witch is required to specify her own requests. One may use this ritual, for example, to satisfy the three of the following requests: (i) strengthening the psychic senses, (ii) improving the astral double's ability to shapeshift or teaching it to shapeshift into a specific form Qalilitu specializes in, (i...

Calls to Nyx, Luna, and Hecate

{The falling are my calling-forths of Nyx, Luna, and Hecate which I integrate into my rituals as add-ons. They are very short. The Call to Hecate uses chants from Liber Azerate and the Temple of the Ascending Flame's mantra of Hecate. While the most well-known magickal numbers of Hecate are 3 and 81, the numbers 9, 10, 11, 14, and 18 are apt for her as well} The Call to Hecate Ave Agia! Aperiatur Stella, Et Germinet Agia! Appare Infernales Malefica Trivia! Existe Anassa Eneri! Exorire Inferna Prytania! Enascere Prava Soteira-- Aedonaea Gloria! Adorire Phosophoros Domina Wamphyri! Hekate Nyktipolos Sumministra Azoth! Exsurge Genetrix Liparokredemnos! [Hail Agia/Hecate! Open the Sky, and Bring Forth Agia/Hecate! Manifest, Infernal Witch Trivia! Appear Anassa Eneri! Appear Infernal Prytania! Arise, Vicious Savioress-- Glory to Aedonaea! Rise Phosphoros Mistress of Vampyres! Hekate Nyktipolos, Provide the Fifth Element! Rise, Mother Liparokredemnos] Or-tar-gen-lar   (x9) [(Summoning C...