Names: Grimarigor, Rahab, Rahab Seriel, Ramuel, Voviana D/N: Equally Nocturnal & Diurnal Color: Black, White, Green, Yellow, Purple Element: Water (Primary); Fire Primary Planetary Attribution: Sun Lesser Planetary Attributions: Earth; Uranus; Jupiter; Venus Trans-Qliphothic Veils: Tohu; Chasek (Primary) Primary Qliphothic Attribution: Thaumiel Lesser Qliphothic Attributions: Samael; Golachab; Satariel Tunnel of Set: 15 (Ghagiel-Thagirion); Hidden Tunnel Compass: Northeast (Primary); Southeast Magickal Numbers: 19, 23, 51, 84, 93, 87, 61, 86, 97, 58 Stellar Attributions (Listed from Primary to Lesser): Algoral, Algol, Sirius, Arcturus I know of three primordial dragons of Khaos in demon magick: Leviathan (an Aspect of the Devil), Taninsam (an Aspect of Lilith), and Rahab, the most mysterious. I call these spirits the three Leviathans. I have been told that five Leviathans exist, but I sense that there are seven. I simply am not familiar with them. Update: Cort Williams asked me why...